Living With Fibromyalgia

Sharing knowledge gained over 35 plus years living with fibromyalgia has been my dream for several years, and with help from friends and family it is possible. Since this author first encountered fibromyalgia in 1978 the changes in treatments/products involved with this disease are amazing. However horror stories must be shared.

Historically fibromyalgia patients had very few options while trying to live with this disease. For instance in the late 70's the medical community either labeled people as mental cases, or suffering with a form of rheumatism and told to live with it.

Personally since the first fibromyalgia symptoms were all related to severe anxiety/panic attacks, the medical establishment had no idea fibromyalgia symptoms often include mental symptoms. More than one doctor diagnosed symptoms as psychosomatic in nature, and to buck up/deal with it. Referrals to a psychiatrist were also the norm in treating fibromyalgia during this period no matter what your symptoms were.

Mistakes made by this author especially during the early years of living with fibromyalgia would include unconditional trust in the medical establishment/doctors. Money spent even with insurance would surprise most people, but when pain is unbearable the temptation to give one additional doctor a chance to really understand and help often overwhelms common sense.

All through the 1970's to the late 1990's finding and receiving high quality care from any doctor regarding fibromyalgia was nearly impossible. The majority of doctors didn't understand fibromyalgia, and would then refer patients on to the next so-called specialist who at best would prescribe another antidepressant. During this period of time antidepressants were the number one choice for treating fibromyalgia.

During this period reports began to surface regarding fibromyalgia patients attempting to end their life after their doctors prescribed one of many antidepressants used at this time. Some suicides were reported during this period. This type of hit and miss diagnostic criteria used by the medical establishment was the norm in the late 70's to early 90's.

Horror stories abound for those living with fibromyalgia for many of these years, and to some extent to this day. Some of the procedures, and potential malpractice involving fibromyalgia treatments include:

1) Breast reduction surgery for many women suffering with fibromyalgia to alleviate neck/back pain.

2) All teeth removed with doctors suggesting these procedures would alleviate symptoms including facial pain, temporal mandibular disorder, mercury poisoning, etc.

3) Many neck/back surgeries due to either absolute negligence, greed, or incompetent doctors who had no idea how to treat fibromyalgia.

4) Forced to enter psychiatric inpatient facilities and prescribed anti-psychotic medications for extended periods in some cases. Continued use of antidepressants, and horrible reactions.

5) Facial surgeries, female reproduction surgeries, and so many absolutely unnecessary surgeries for countless people around the world who were suffering from fibromyalgia.

Thankfully in the past ten to fifteen years the majority of these procedures have come to an end. However living with fibromyalgia seems to always produce new challenges for those forced to deal with the medical establishment. New problems include finding the appropriate doctor/facility or alternative treatment for fibromyalgia.

Today the myriad of choices for treating fibromyalgia is often overwhelming. Choices include many types of natural/alternative treatments to the many specialists who promise they have answers for treating fibromyalgia. Dealing with these issues is often too much for someone with severe fibromyalgia as they are too sick and cannot make these decisions alone.

Research and networking with others who are living with fibromyalgia is a great tool when searching for choices available today involving this disease. Still with the wide variety of fibromyalgia treatments available today one must put some faith in their final choice after due diligence when investigating provider. Often family members are a helpful resource when searching for treatment alternatives.

Living with fibromyalgia is and always has been hell on earth. Although today there are good options available for those who suffer with this disease. Sadly the many choices available still include outright snake oil salesman, and caution/research is paramount.

Fibromyalgia is finally receiving needed attention from government agencies, the medical establishment, and to some degree the public at large. For all these reasons living with fibromyalgia has witnessed a dramatic improvement from when this disease entered this authors life all those years ago. Only time will tell if current research/clinical trials will allow those who face this disease every morning to one day telling the world fibromyalgia is no longer an issue."Hope springs eternal for those who believe."


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