Sleep Disorder In Teenagers - The Syndrome Curbs Their True Abilities

The Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder is a problem that has been taken into issue ever since a set of teenagers have been showing symptoms of being affected by this. The teenagers generally outgrow this problem once they are nearing their adulthood. DSP is present in less than 1% of the adults of today. Often, this kind of a sleep disorder is assumed to be insomnia.

When people are left to their own, they tend to sleep very late. They stay up till about 4 or even 5 in the morning before they hit the bed. This makes them wake up late in the morning, or even early in the afternoon. These are the kind of people who are referred to as nocturnals.

There are a lot of teenagers that stays up till the early hours of morning. They also admit that they are socializing only during those weird hours of the day. Due to such malpractices, the rhythm of the body tends to get disrupted, and they also face other problems later.

Many teenagers who are facing this kind of a sleep disorder generally make it late to school, because they find it very hard to wake up early in the morning. If they take one particular time to go and sleep, say at 11pm, then, they might not be able to sleep, and they will be moving on the bed uncomfortably, and they find it hard to sleep. They will in turn have a very hard time to wake up for school or college early in the morning. These kinds of students have a problem concentrating in the classroom, and then, they tend to fall asleep. The reason for such a sleeping disorder is still unknown. This is due to the problem with the circadian rhythm in the body.

There are other treatments available for such a sleeping disorder. The people suffering from such problem must start following a particular sleeping method. This is the treatment that includes even taking sleeping pills, and sleeping with bright light, and also chronotherapy.

In case of the bright light treatment for all the sleep related problems, the bright light is used to kick start the circadian clock in the brain. This kind of exposure to bright light will tick off the circadian rhythm.

Chronotherapy is a treatment that is administered to people who have not had good sleep for over a week, and finding it hard to sleep. Their usual bedtime gets shifted by around three hours. In case a person sleeps at 2am, but wanted to sleep by 11pm, then, the sleep hours will move to 8am, from the usual 5am. So, this is the lifestyle for the last one week, then, it leads to a sleeping problem. In case a teenager student is facing such a situation, then, he might need almost a week off from school in order to complete this cycle successfully. Once the proper bedtime schedule has been worked on, the next thing you have to do is wake up at the right time.

There are other treatments available that involve many drugs that can be used to treat DSP. People suffering from sleep disorder are suggested to take Melatonin. Other prescriptions also suggest medications in the form of Ramelteon, and there are other sleeping pills too.

In case you are a teenager and having a trouble to fall off asleep, then, you need to make sure that things are brought back into order in your life.


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