Improving Healthcare Facilities One System at a Time: Starting With the Hospital Clock

Is your healthcare facility falling behind in the technology department? Do you walk into other hospitals or nursing homes and see minuscule, but notable upgrades in the equipment these places use that your facility doesn't? There is a common issue among healthcare facilities around the country where the most up-to-date equipment has not yet been implemented. And in the fast paced progression of the healthcare industry, you don't want to be left behind in the dust.

So what kind of technology are we talking about here? Many could not name off the top of their head all of the different devices and machines that are used in a healthcare facility on a day-to-day basis. Amidst the large number of devices a facility may choose to upgrade, there are a few simple upgrades that might be the first step a hospital, nursing home, or doctor's office may want to take, and among these is an upgrade to a synchronized hospital clock-the most technologically advanced product of its kind.

The synchronized hospital clock has many beneficial features to offer any healthcare facility, all within the confines of a quick and cost effective upgrade. Using synchronized time in hospitals has been proven to increase the efficiency of operations in multiple ways. For instance, with consistently accurate time displays that synchronized hospital clocks provide, doctors and nurses no longer experience the confusion of inconsistent time displays from room to room. Additionally, patient's time in and out of the operating room occurs on schedule with the use of synchronized time displays. With every clock in the system displaying the identical time throughout the healthcare facility, personnel is able to perform tasks more efficiently.

Not only will a synchronized hospital clock improve the efficiency of the facility, but it will also protect the organization from possible legal risks. How is this possible? One of the most important tasks that nurses and doctors must perform accurately for their patients is administering medication. Diligent records must be kept and scheduled delivery cannot be a minute off when it comes to giving a patient their medicine. Therefore, the hospital clocks that nurses and doctors receive their time from to make these records and administer the scheduled medication cannot waver one minute from the accurate time. If they are inaccurate, patients can fall ill from not receiving medication on time, and inaccurate record-keeping can validate malpractice in a lawsuit. When healthcare facilities use synchronized hospital clocks, the staff can rely on an accurate display when it's time to record and administer scheduled medication.

If it seems that your healthcare facility is falling behind with the outdated technology used in your hospital or nursing home, and your head spins when you think of where to start with an upgrade, look into implementing synchronized hospital clocks into the building. For a moderate price and a quick install, staff within the facility will see the resulting benefits immediately upon set up of the system. Synchronized hospital clocks are the beginning step in the process of updating the technology of your healthcare facility's devices and machinery.


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