False Insurance Claims on Rhinoplasty Procedures

As rhinoplasty is generally considered as an elective procedure by insurance companies rather than a medical need, most of the insurance companies do not even cover the expenses of the procedure. As the costs can range from $3000 to $12,000, there are some individuals who wish for the procedure without having to comply with the requirements of the insurance company. Some will go so far as to tamper with the claims, some doctors will tamper the claims, but when found out, penalties and probably litigations may just be right around the corner.

Only those rhinoplasty procedures which were done due to a valid medical claim can be covered. This includes trauma which can pose breathing problems, a diverted septum which had been broken due to a blunt trauma (accidental or because of a fight), or other reasons. But note, there are still some insurance companies which will not cover the medical necessity. To lay a false claim on a health insurance has been going around for so long and the insurance companies are placed in a difficult position. In fact, there are even some celebrities who have been caught in the scandal of false claims for a rhinoplasty procedure. The most common excuse is the deviated septum when in fact; the only reason behind the procedure was for aesthetic reasons. If and when the false claim is found out, then that would be considered a fraudulent act. The holder of the insurance can lose the insurance coverage; the doctor involved can face steeper penalties, including the threat of a malpractice suit. Therefore, it is very important that when thinking about having a rhinoplasty, to think twice, long and hard and prepare for the costs that cannot be avoided.

If you cannot afford it and still want the rhinoplasty, then look for an insurance company that can cover at least part of the expenses. Do not get tempted into going under the knife of a quack surgeon who can ask for the minimum fees but can ruin your face forever. The steepest penalty to be faced is a guilty judgement by a court of law, punishment of up to ten years imprisonment, compensation of money to the insurance company, there is community service for this particular case.


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