Healthcare Breakdown - It's Not Either Party

There are almost 60 million Americans without Health insurance. This number is greater than England, Japan and China added all together. The costs of medical procedures has skyrocketed to ridicules amounts. Drugs are marked up 1000 to 10,000 percent over cost. Employers have reduced their contributions to employee health care plans for 6 years in a row. It is a sad state of affairs for the wealthiest country in the world. This problem is not getting better either, having a steady pace growing each year.

The problem is not with democrats or republicans, and if you think it is then you have fallen into a trap that has been set for you on purpose. When you argue that the other side is at fault then you have displaced your energies from the true source. And, that's exactly what they want you to do.

Living in a capitalistic society as we do in the USA is a very good deal. I think it is the best system going personally, however there are faults with it that if left unchecked can send us into an economic downfall of that of a third world country. All you have to do is look at the facts of our national health care system as it is today and where it is heading.

Democrats did not create this problem, nor did republicans. Sure you can remember how a certain person voted on this or that, or how a certain party passed this or that and you can listen to radio talk shows who point the fingers at certain parties. If we can't step back and see what is really going on, we will be hard pressed to fix the problem.

Pharmaceutical medicines are inflated up to 10,000 percent or more for the simple reason that pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyist pay to keep cheaper drugs out of our country. These lobbyist pay both sides of the aisle to insure that their drugs are the only ones that can be for sale in this country. If we could receive cheaper drugs from other sources then the costs of medicine would immediately deflate and half of the health care crisis would be solved. This would be fair competition just like our country is supposed to promote and insure.

Medical procedures cost 10 to 20 times what they should be simply because there is no limit to what can be charged. Doctors do have a heavy burden with malpractice insurance along with a host of other issues that cause them to over charge for these procedures. However, if the government placed caps on procedures like they do in all the other modern countries, then Health insurance rates would be able to decline to a point where the average household could actually afford it. Some people claim that these procedures are counter to the American way of free enterprise; however we have to let the federal reserve set and control the interest rate for the overall good of the economy. Setting the cost for medical procedures is simply an extension of that, for the well being of the people rather than their money.

Ultimately, money is power, and the more money a company or person has the more power they have also. When Trillions of dollars are held among a group of people or corporations, then you only have to use your common sense to imagine the power they can yield in certain ways, behind the scenes. It's the same thing with oil, NAFTA, cigarettes and the continuous elimination of the middle class that we are facing in America.

Its high time that Americans stopped being the tennis ball. Its time to be the tennis racket. I don't know what the answer is, but I know until everyone realizes the true cause that we will not find the answer. Lets fix Health care; the first step is to lay blame to the source and not each other. Senators, Presidents and Congressmen are not the source of this problem, they are just the hired players.

There is an old saying that if you cut a snakes head off, the tail will die. We have to concentrate on the head of the snake; the pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyist. As we have learned the tail always grows back, to be replaced with yet another person from either party who continues the trend. Lets figure out a way to chop the head off!


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