Is My Doctor Filing for Divorce Because He/She Is Cheating on Me?

After 35 + years, my doctor is divorcing me! The mistress seems to be... concierge medicine. Yes, the "honeymoon period" has worn off, and we, as consumers have been expecting our doctors to accept our insurance till "death do us part." Well, malpractice insurance has gone through the roof, the paperwork has become overwhelming, and reimbursement rates have diminished to practically nothing in some cases, causing a few stresses in this marriage. In fact, it has been reported that 1-in-10 doctors who own private practices, will start direct pay or concierge medicine in the next one to three years.

Even though Congress effectively avoided the 27 percent slash in Medicare payments during the fiscal-cliff negotiations, the damage was already done. Doctors know this is not a "permanent fix," and that is cause for the "wondering medical eye." For example, under ObamaCare, doctor payments from the Medicare health insurance program are dropping at an alarming rate in order to help fund the Affordable Care Act over the next ten years. Doctors need to know there is more stability in a "good thing."

So are doctors giving up on their long time patients all together? An AMA survey revealed that one in five physicians plan on restricting the number of Medicare patients in their practice, but will you or your loved one be one of the lucky ones? How will you keep your doctor from straying to that "medical relationship-wrecker," Concierge?

Spice up your doctor/patient relationship! No, no, get your head out of the gutter; sending in strippers and showing your "physical assets" is NOT what I am talking about (plus that novelty will wear off, and these distractions can lead to bad patient care), but keep it genuine and simple, like my grandmother did!

Remember that you know your doctor best (you have been their patient for years), so work with that base! Here are some successful tips from my grandmother who will be celebrating her golden anniversary with her doctor:

1. Say "thank you" to your doctor - you might be surprised by how many patients DON'T utter a word of appreciation.

2. Have a heart-to-heart with your doctor - let your doctor know you want to keep them through reimbursement cuts, etc, and Obamacare or not, you will be loyal... no cheating on them with another specialist without them knowing, or slipping some herbal remedies without consulting with them, etc.

3. Negotiate an affordable rate - if your doctor is dropping your insurance, ask them what a reasonable cash rate would be and work out a payment plan.

4. Show an interest in your doctor - knowing your doctor's anniversary, asking them about their kids or favorite sports team, etc. My grandmother knit a blanket in her doctor's favorite sport's team colors for the holidays one year and he LOVED it.

5. Bake an apple strudel. OK, my grandmother bakes the best apple strudel and her doctor looks forward to that freshly backed strudel whenever she comes into his office.

By following these simple tips, Grandma has been able to keep her relationship with her doctor not only alive, but fun. So keep your doctor from straying, engage him/her by following grandma's lead, and you might be happier with the outcome.

Lasik Surgery: Best Way To Remove Contact Lens

Learning about LASIK:

LASIK is a surgical procedure for reducing or removing a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. In fact LASIK is the vision correction surgery, (i.e. eye surgeries for improving vision, refractive surgery).

LASIK stands for "Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis". This procedure permanently changes the shape of the cornea. A knife microkeratome, is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is left at one end of this flap. The flap is folded back revealing the stroma, the middle section of the cornea. Pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap is replaced. a laser is used to reshape the cornea to alter the way light rays enter the eye for achieving focus.

LASIK, which requires more corneal tissue for success. It is a relatively new procedure. Epi-LASIK is like LASEK in that the flap is cut only in the epithelium, the surgeon only uses an epikeratome, a separator that creates an epithelial sheet. Patients feel less pain than alcohol procedures. All Laser LASIK An additional laser instead of a bladed instrument is used to create the flap in the front of the eye.
Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) an excimer laser is used to remove tissue from the surface of the cornea. This removal results in a new shape, and reduces vision problem. PRK takes less than one minute per eye. No flap is cut as occurs with LASIK.

A) Only three percent of LASIK procedures are performed for less than $1,000 per eye.

B) Read the fine print for possible hidden costs.

C) Florida's Attorney General has announced a settlement with New york Lasik Surgery Vision Institute about actual cost of eye surgeries as given in the company's advertisements.In the first quarter of 2006 was $2,052.In 2002 it was $1,500 to $1,600. In 2003 it had risen to $1,700; and at the end of 2004, it was a little over $1,800; and in 2005 it was $2000.average price for LASIK is approximately $2,000. Average LASIK price increase is an increasing number of LASIK procedures:

A lot of care needed while choosing a surgeon. He or she should be associated with an academic medical center, such as a teaching hospital or one that is well-known for advanced technology. Try to choose a doctor who is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. You can ask for a referral from your regular eye care practitioner, whether an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. Call refractive surgery centers in your area; you'll find them in the Yellow Pages.

Now while face to face talking to a surgeon, he can easily confuse you.
Here are the lists of some questions that you can ask. Really hard to
Ask but better if you do.

>How with the same equipment, and the same refractive error, has he performed many refractive procedures?

>Has he done more than 500 Procedures?

>Has he performing refractive surgery procedures more than three years.

>Can he provide the contact information of at least ten previous patients?

>Have you ever had malpractice insurance coverage denied?

>Have you been convicted of a felony?

License to perform refractive surgery revoked (should not be suspended or restricted)?

What percentage achieved 20/20 or better?

The laser treatment itself usually takes less than a minute, while the entire procedure takes around 15 minutes per eye. Most surgeons perform the procedure on both eyes at the same time; however, some patients prefer to wait a week between eyes.

But is it really safe. I mean some people don't want to take even 5% Risk. difficulties such as dry eyes and nighttime glare is around 3% to 5%, while the risk of serious incidents such as lost vision is thought to be less than 1%. There are no known cases of blindness from LASIK or PRK. Dry eye, starbursts or halos around lights this effect disappears over time in 98% cases.

Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding

Pre settlement lawsuit funding is a relatively new concept. The funding companies extend non-recourse loans to claimants who do not have sufficient funds to take on a legal battle to settle their personal injury cases. Personal injury cases can include: any automobile accident, medical or legal malpractice, harassment or discrimination at work, and sexual abuse or rape.

Consider a scenario where the claimant does not have sufficient funds to fight the legal battle. Besides, he may also require money for his personal needs such as medical expenses in case of a physical injury. He then has the option to approach any of the pre-settlement lawsuit funding companies for funds. These companies will first study the merit of the case. For this, they may seek the help of the claimant's lawyer to study the merit of the case and also to get an idea of the anticipated settlement amount. Now, based on these facts, the company would offer what is termed as a non-recourse loan. This means that the company purchases a part of the claimant's future settlement in advance. If the claimant wins the case, he would have to pay a percentage of the settlement amount to the company. If the claimant loses the company also loses, which means it gets nothing.

There is a high risk involved in this settlement. It naturally follows that the amount of fees charged by these companies is also very high. Yet, litigation can take a very long time because sometimes the cases drag on for many years. The claimant needs to have enough money to see him through till he gets the settlement amount. There may be also be situations when the injured person is unable to work or has reduced income. There fore, taking such loans can seem to be the ideal answer.

All said, it is very important to keep in mind that these loans can prove to be very expensive and a person should first explore all possibilities before settling for this option.

Are You Ready For A Change?

Have you ever sat back and taken a hard look at yourself. I have recently started to really
take a good look at myself and where I am in life. I have a very successful personal life.
I am a rare find indeed. I have been married to the same man for over 15 yrs, he's my soulmate,
I look at my husband and my knees still go weak. I am still passionately in love with my husband.
It's sad when I look around and see our friends. They've devorced, remarried, or worse in
the marriage for the kids. Our professional lives haven't been to rosy. We had children young and
I was able to stay at home with the kids.

My husband started growing mushrooms when we first
got married. He worked for the same employer for 10 yrs. The market dropped on mushrooms and
he was laid off. That's when things first took a bad turn. He was offered a job by his best
friend. At first it was great, money, still friends, then 9/11. His friend started doing
some shady dealings to get by. One of these he chose was to stop payment on insurance premiums.

The bad part of the equation was we paid part of the
premiums, making this fraud. Our first alarm bell rang when my husband hurt himself at work
he filed a injury report,after which his boss called him into his office in regard to the
report. His boss said they had a problem, but wouldn't go any further. Then I went to get a
prescription filled, and was told no insurance. I went outside and called my husband, who
very calmly said don't panic, it's probably a mistake. He called the insurance co, and was
told it was canceled, he finally starts to panic. He called his friend, and boss, at home
he was out he spoke with his wife who also worked with them, after all we had a right, like
many of you we had to pay a percentage of the premium. The wife responded with "Oh well
we'll be like the millions of Americans without insurance. My calm husband finally lost it
he threatened to call a lawyer! I will never forget my sweet husbands face after he hung up.
He returned to work on Monday and was fired. After contacting several attorney's we were shocked
when told, in the great state of Pennsylvania you don't really need a reason to fire someone.

I was raised by traditional parents, who remained married and still hate each other.
My father is a hard core republican who I only remember crying at parades and when the american
anthem is played. "Union" is a bad word in his vocabulary. People who file lawsuits are ruining
this country. I couldn't believe the law wasn't on our side. One lawyer said the best we could
do was get your job back. Around the same time we were told by my husbands doctor, he would need
an operation for the accident at work. His ex-boss his one-time best friend, had already fought
us on unemployment. At the doctor, we filed out the workmans comp papers,the doctors office
processed them and we were notified no workman's comp insurance. Now we had no options left
and were forced to sue.We finally discover what the problem with the report was. He not only
took out money from our check each week and didn't pay the premium for medical, he had stopped
paying workman's comp too.

I thought finally they could do something. He had our medical reinstated, but couldn't with
workman's comp. We were made to feel as though, we'd done something wrong. Several years
prior to this a doctor made a mistake on reading my xray. It caused me 10 days in the hospital,

I had no income and as my father had taught me it would be wrong to sue. Doctors are leaving
Pa because they can't afford the malpractice insurance. I couldn't contribute to the problem.
My insuarnce company sued the hospital and won. I felt like I couldn't sue.

We had no choices left, we had to sue. I thought people get millions from stupid
lawsuits, we'll be ok. What I learned was shocking. It's a felony to not have workmans comp
insurance. You aren't allowed anymore than workmans comp would allow. I was floored, my
husband was wrongfully terminated to cover up not only non payment of medical premiums, but
workman's comp as well. We received 70k before the attorney took his share. His ex boss
was never charged with anything. In PA if you don't settle the workmans comp suit, the employer
doesn't pay anymore but the state fines are deducted first. That meant we would have been
lucky to see 30K, he could have gotten jail time as well, but if settled no charges. In
principle, I didn't want to settle, but we have 3 children, and no choice.

After this I lost faith in people. His ex-employer had lied, committed fraud, and walked. One
judge in particular caught him in a lie and asked him to come back in 5 min with the truth.
No Justice!!!!! I decided then working for others was a bad idea. It's time to take control.
I started looking into work at home options. I found many promising to pay big. Earn without
work. I don't believe such claims. I found several opportunities that do work. Nothing is easy
but if you have the drive and work ethic you really can better your circumstance. The most
important thing to remember pick one you can picture yourself doing, but most important one
you'd enjoy doing. Their are several socalled rebate processing. Really you are marketing
it's fun and exciting. They want you to sell the product first. You advertise on blogs
or classified sites. You have new challenges everyday. Just remember the old addage
you don't get something for nothing. Look into what they are actually doing, not the promise
in the ad.

Remember money isn't everything, if that's what is driving you. Take it from a woman who's
finding herself. My happiest time is spent with the ones I love and doing for them. We may have had
setbacks in professional areas. I have always felt successful, being with the ones I chose.

Lawsuit Cash Advances

The purpose of a Lawsuit Cash Advance is to help people recover the compensation owed to them for personal injury inflicted upon them either due to a road accident, discrimination at the workplace or any sort of medical or legal malpractice. There are many companies who offer Lawsuit Cash Advances to enable the plaintiffs to fight their legal battle. The Cash Advances are not loans in the traditional sense of the word, for the injured person has to pay back the amount only upon winning the case, but not otherwise.

If you are facing a situation where you are looking for a non-recourse loan, you can contact these companies and provide them the details of your case. The companies will then consult a lawyer to get feedback on the merits of the case, and an idea about the anticipated settlement amount. On winning the settlement, you would then have to give a certain percentage of the settlement to the financing company. The usual rate charged by these companies varies from ten to fifteen percent of the settlement amount.

Another advantage is that your attorney will have the benefit of the advanced cash. It would enable him or her to prepare your case more effectively, as shortage of funds will no longer be an issue. The attorney will get the necessary time to collect the depositions and find the necessary witnesses. This will, in turn, improve your chances of winning your case and getting a suitable compensation packet.

These Cash Advances offer you the opportunity to take your case to the courts. Otherwise you might have to opt for an out-of-court settlement, which could mean that you compromise on the amount.

Yet, as a word of caution, it is necessary to add that taking such loans should be your last recourse. This is because, given the risk involved, the companies can ask you to shell out a hefty fee for their services. So before accepting Cash Advances for fighting your lawsuits, you must consider other options to raise the funds.

Mental Traumas - Are These Entitled For Personal Injury Claims?

Those cases are not a rare phenomenon where we see the claimants claiming compensation for the mental traumas. Personal injury claims are usually being filed for the physical sufferings and the losses that are the resultant of some accidents. These accidents are of various types and they affect the victims in different ways. It is not necessary that the accident always result in physical injuries and pain. Mental agony and mental traumas are also being experienced as a result of different accidents and that prove to be even more dangerous because the physical injury can get healed in shorter period of time if it is not that severe but the emotional and mental anguish takes a lot of time to get healed. And, it affects the lives of the victims in more intense and severe manner.

This is the misconception related to the personal injury cases that only the physical injuries or the property damages and losses are the ones that have the entitlement to be claimed for the compensation. The mental anguishes and agonies are also being claimed for the compensation by a lot of victims. These injuries can be the resultant of any type of accident ranging from the road accidents to the professional malpractices. Any type of accident can leave the sufferer and the victim in the abyss of mental tortures and traumas. The victim has the rights to claim for the compensation if the accident happened due to the fault of another party or person.

Like the other personal injury cases, these mental traumas also need to be proved with all the facts and evidences. In this regard, the guidance of a skilled and specialist lawyer counts a lot. There are many lawyers and solicitors who deal in this specific genre of personal injury cases and it proves to be very beneficial if the claimant consults with such law expert. The lawyer guides the claimant to take all the respective steps in the right direction if going for an off the court settlement and for the court room legal proceedings.

The medical report is of high importance in these claims. The claimant is supposed to give the proof of his injury so the medical reports count a lot. The visits with the psychologist or psychiatrist can be the valid proof and the assessment given by them. The other evidences like the registration of the accident scene and the witnesses details etc.

With the help of an expert lawyer and the evidences, the claimant can manage to avail the compensation claim for the mental traumas; he or she is made to suffer.

The contents of the article are provided for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended for a legal advice.

Where Did All the Doctors Go?

In the fall of 2010, the gulf coast of the United States is again struck by a category four hurricane. Five years of planning and preparation swing into action. Hospitals, structurally reinforced to survive such storms, remain open and operational, serving their communities during and after the storm. State and Federal recovery plans assist displaced people return to home and even find jobs. The criticisms of Katrina resulted in palpable change!

As life returns to normal, people begin to shift their healthcare needs from the hospitals back to the community. To the horror of those who have moved back home, they find that many of their doctors have not returned. Not only are the medical professionals missing, but the all important ancillary providers are absent. In many communities, only one dentist or chiropractor is able to return and restart their practices. Healthcare services become the next disaster to spread across the region.

Where Did All the Doctors Go?

While most hospitals in the United States are corporately owned and supported, most healthcare providers are owners or employees of small, local businesses. Even the biggest medical practices in a community are regionally limited in presence, thus when a community is temporarily displaced by disaster, the most secure healthcare providers find themselves displaced as well.

Few small businesses have the financial reserves to meet fixed costs of business during a forced shutdown. The problem for healthcare practices is complicated by the costs associated with malpractice insurance, general liability insurance, employee benefits, healthcare student loans, equipment leases, licensure and more. In most cases, healthcare practices maintain less than two weeks funds for fixed expenses in reserve. Although the delay in payment inherent to insurance billing and other third party payment systems can help bridge the period of shutdown, the shutdown will eventually manifest as a gap in cash flow.

Faced with the probability of financial ruin, many healthcare providers seek new practice opportunities after only a short period of displacement. Once established in a new community, the likelihood of uprooting the family again and moving back to their old home is very small. This was the experience following hurricanes Andrew, Opal, Charlie and Katrina.

What Should Be Done?

The key need for the community is the return of their most trusted and valued professionals. These professionals have a key need as well; they need to reestablish their practice as soon as possible. The most obvious solution is to include these healthcare professionals in the disaster response and recovery plan. One significant lesson observed during hurricane Katrina is that if a healthcare provider is not part of the response plan before the disaster, there will be no role for them during the response and recovery.

How do healthcare providers become part of their local disaster plan?

The opportunities to participate in a disaster response exist in a matrix based on the intersections of four options:

  • Paid vs. Volunteer
  • Hospital vs. Office/Clinic

The healthcare provider seeking to survive as a business may initially serve a volunteer role, but they must eventually transition to a paid, fee for service role and reestablish their profitable business operations.

From Free to Fee

How does a healthcare provider make the transition from a volunteer to a paid provider?

Here are some suggestions:

· The healthcare professional must state how long they can offer their services for free. Healthcare providers in various jurisdictions are constrained as to the type of services that can be offered for free and circumstances in which services can be offered for free, thus it is essential that healthcare providers be explicit regarding the commitments they can make. For example,

"I can afford to volunteer for one week. I can afford to bring X amount of supplies. If we run out of materials before two weeks, you supply the material and I'll stay the remainder of the time I stated."

After the two weeks are up, before the healthcare provider pulls out and leaves, the provider should talk with the people they have been helping. At this point, the community can ask the provider to stay and begin providing services for a fee.

· When the community writes the disaster response and recovery plans (before a disaster hits), the healthcare providers should register with the ESF-8 (Emergency Support Function 8) office of their local and state Emergency Operations Center. This office is responsible for ensuring that critical services, including healthcare, are included in disaster planning. Further, during a disaster response and recovery, the ESF-8 office is responsible for ensuring that the critical service provider receives supplies and resources to remain operational.

· Become a community resource as a healthcare service provider and receive referrals for fee based services. This is completely ethical. In fact, it's a win-win solution. The community keeps its healthcare professionals and the healthcare provider has work. What could be better?

The bottom line is that healthcare businesses need to understand the different ways to participate in a disaster response, and they need to get over the stigma of profiting from disaster. Realize that the people receiving healthcare services don't mind paying for them. Similarly, communities and emergency management professionals must expand their plans to include all healthcare professionals in the community, not just the medical physicians, nurses and hospital staff. After all, the healthcare providers in a community were important to the community before the disaster, how much more important are these professionals after the disaster?

Finding a Plastic Surgeon in Your Area

While the exact reason individuals pursue plastic surgery varies, the most commonly cited reason lies in boosting one's self esteem. In addition, many people choose surgery as a means to correct a birth defect or aspect of their appearance they're simply unhappy with. Some simply want to improve their overall appearance or make themselves look a little younger. However, the one thing each treatment has in common is the help of a qualified physician. In this article, we will outline a few tips and tricks to help you find a great plastic surgeon in your area.

Step 1 - Ask around to your family doctor or cosmetologist in hopes that they are able to refer you to someone they've seen quality work from. Make yourself a list of potential candidates and begin scheduling a consultation.

Step 2 - Check the surgeon's credentials. Your physician should be board-certified, meaning they have approval through the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and have been trained in order to perform a variety of procedures. To obtain certification, physicians much have at least 5 years training, a residency, and hospital privileges. In addition, make certain that they are affiliated with at least one medical society and has performed upwards of 600 operations.

Step 3 - Check to see that you surgeon has no history of disciplinary action or malpractice against them. You can easily check the status by visiting your state's medical board online.

Step 4 - Be sure to have a list of questions prepared for the surgeon to address. Don't be afraid to discuss any concerns or thoughts. You want to be as knowledgeable as possible. After all, you are paying.

If your physician will not take the time to patiently and completely address each question, simply move on to your next interview.

Ask for a list of referrals and follow up. Have a separate list of questions ready, and don't forget to be thorough. Check for the availability of before and after photos and check out reviews online. This is a great way to obtain a non-biased recommendation.

If you are serious in pursuing your surgery, the best judge is your gut. Ask yourself whether you feel comfortable with the physician and if they instill a sense of confidence. If you are not completely sure of a surgeon, keep looking! There are plenty more to be found. And although it may take some time, the results will most certainly speak for themselves.

An Asbestos and Mesothelioma Statistic

It's 4.45 in the morning, pitch black outside. The alarm clock goes off - the most hated sound at the start of the day. He hits it out, half asleep. Trying to get out of the oh-so-comfortable slumber, all he can think of is how he's going to need a bit more time to get up. 5 minutes, tops! A minute later, a second alarm goes off, tearing him out of his inertia all over again. Sensing it's going to be futile to continue fighting his time, he surrenders to his time-keeper & slowly rolls out of bed.

His wife dozes peacefully, he glances at her a moment - they have been married since high school & he's in still in love with her. Through the painful times, when their world seemed to collapse, he learned to love her even more. He's grateful for having her in his life, but hardly acknowledges it. A tired smirk grows out of the corner of his mouth as he gets up, goes to the bathroom & gets ready.

Half an hour later, he fetches his lunch box from the kitchen, grabs his gear & locks the door as he leaves his home. 'I hope that crazy leakage finally gets fixed today!' he thinks, as he hops into his truck, backs out the driveway & heads to work. A pipeline burst at one of the shafts near the lift, flooding the central area at the top. Getting in & out of the mine has since become a pain. He's been supervising at an asbestos mine, at mid-managerial level, just shy of 13 years now. He's been working in it, overall, for 30 years.

The time is now 6.00 am & he's just arriving outside. As he puts his hard hat on & walks towards the mine, his foreman meets him, sarcastically jokes about how he didn't get any last night again, then briefs him about the day. He takes a look at the roster, sifting through the pages of the activity log. 'Tunnel 6 approaching 80% completion'

'Whoa! If the guys keep it up at this rate, we'll complete the project 6 weeks in advance.' he thinks to himself. 'Way to go, boys!'

Before he walks up the stairs to his office behind the main entrance, he looks over to his left & notices something he's not happy about at all. The central area is still flooded up & now leaking down the lift.

'Those contractors are in for it!'

Inside his office, he drops his gear in the closet, sinks into his office chair & begins collating last week's records on tunnel 5's output. He's been leading all project management since he was a foreman & despite his vast experience & nearly unblemished track record over his career, he still gets nervous whenever he's running a project. It's the same butterflies in his tummy he hasn't been able to get rid of, over the years. They've probably been responsible for his high performance, he reckons, so he's not particularly bothered.

3 minutes go by & a tiny heap of reports have already piled up in front of him, on his heavily, document-littered desk; he still needs a few more before he meets up with his team, then phone the agency to break hell on the lousy contractors. Pictures of his daughter, when she was a child, hang behind him, on the wall. Portraits of his wife & son pose beside him. How time flies! Just yesterday, it seemed, he was throwing his daughter up in the air, as she always loved; now she's about to graduate from college, with a major in cybernetic engineering & $23,000 debts. And his son, now a freshman on full scholarship at a leading private university, doesn't stop calling & texting about the girl he's newly fallen for, whom he's this time convinced is the one.

Got it! The last pair of reports he'd been looking for. At the bottom of the pile as always, when you're searching for something. Now, off to brief the guys. He shuts his office door but suddenly feels dizzy & an incredible pain in his chest - like a heavyweight boxing match for the world title, trying to break out of it. He feels feverish at the same time & is, inexplicably, getting out of breath. The day hasn't even started & he usually only feels like this, half way through. It's been a couple of months now like this, but he's been shrugging it off as a normal thing that comes with age. At 59, he is entering a new phase in life & kissing his prime years goodbye.

It's at the point, where he almost gets off the stairs, that he notices how pale his hands are, after wiping sweat from his forehead. Barely able to breathe, he blanks out within a few split seconds & falls head-first to the ground, all the way from the last three steps of the staircase.

The next thing he realizes is that he's lying on a bed, without the usual sounds & noise in the atmosphere. 'The day couldn't possibly be over! Where did everybody go?'

Groggy, he opens his eyes, to notice he's actually not even at work anymore. He's in a private room that looks like a hospital. It's filled with machines, medical equipment, a large window behind him on the left... & his wife sitting next to him, holding his right hand. He really is in a hospital... yet has no idea how he got there!

A doctor then comes in & talks to his wife. She tells her she would like to keep him a while longer, for observation & to run a few tests. His wife becomes agitated & his right hand is now squeezed. 'What's wrong with him?' she asks the doctor, in a crackling voice. 'We don't know yet. At this point, it's too early to say. The tests will narrow down diagnostics & confirm what will have to be done.' the doctor replies. She continues, 'Your husband has been running a high fever, his pale skin suggests, among other possibilities, anaemia. Because he's a miner, we're not going to rule out possibilities of developing rare forms of cancer that can be caused from inhaling asbestos.'

'My husband has been working in the mine over 30 years! He couldn't have any such thing!' the wife exclaims. The doctor looks at her a bit surprised about her naïveté, then tactfully rebuts 'Alright, but such diseases, if they are present, do take a very long time to fully develop.', then pauses before she carries on. 'Well, like I said. We'll like to keep an open mind & run all necessary diagnostics as a precautionary measure... just to be sure! The tests will include but may not be limited to X-rays & CT/MRI scans. If all goes well, he should be out within a week!'

The miner closes his eyes again, in thought. 'Seven whole days! That should take the leakage off my back & drive some other clown crazy!'

The doctor leaves the room & he begins to relax more. His chest still feels tight, but the boxing match is over for now. It was a probably a draw! 'That fall should have taken me out. I feel like parts of my head are in a coma!' he mumbles. His wife, meanwhile seated next to him again, looks up to him in shock. 'You're lucky to even be alive! The foreman found you on the ground, lying face down from the stairs. The 1st Aid struggled to get you back until the ambulance came & this is the 1st thing coming out of your mouth?' she blurts out. She rapidly becomes so angry, her eyes fill with tears. She gets up, sharply turns away from him as she drops his hand in disgust, walks away from his bed, towards the door, leans her head back with both hands & breathes in deeply, then exhales, once. Great! Now, he's ticked her off. He closes his eyes again, returning to his thoughts. 'Fire in the hole! 3... 2... 1...'

She turns back to him, 'If I were given a moment for every time I have put myself out there for you whenever you were in need, I would get two consecutive lifetimes to make up for myself, you ungrateful,... ungrateful,... you...!!'

He senses he's going to have to diffuse the situation quickly or else the volcano will erupt! He gathers his strength, achingly leans forward and thereafter mumbles, 'Darling... I had no idea.' He stretches out his hand, 'Come on honey... I'm sorry!' His voice drenched in pain. She returns to her seat, wiping her cheeks, he lies back on his pillow & slowly exhales for a couple of seconds. 'Sheesh! If I keep this up, I'll take myself out!'

They hold hands again.

A few days go by & the couple is still together in the hospital room. The swelling on his head from the fall has reduced & his fever is gone. His chest doesn't feel too great but he's sure it'll be fine. They just finished having lunch & are discussing how much time he'll take off before returning to work. The door opens, it's the doctor. They greet each other. His wife is not able to hide the smile on her face. She's made her mind up today that they'll be leaving, so she's only expecting good news from the results. The doctor converses with the miner & checks how he's feeling, while in the meantime another doctor walks in. A tall man, holding a large folder. The wife can't make out what's inside it but can recognize an X-ray sheet, peeking out. Instantly, without even trying to doubt herself, she concludes that it's turned out to be more serious than she first thought. Her mood free falls quicker than the '08 market crash. She struggles to keep a hold of her emotions again, sucking her lips in.

The doctor introduces the tall gentleman, 'This is our resident diagnostics officer here at Memorial Hope.' The officer politely nods at the couple, they nod back. She goes on, 'After several hours of examining with the best medical team in the area...' she pauses, then continues, 'I'm afraid we've come to the conclusion that your condition is far more serious than initially anticipated.'

The miner slowly gulps what must feel like an oz of saliva, in fear. He's as tough as can be & has taken his fair share of hits in life & kept going, but was honestly of the opinion they were, thank God, over. 'Wait!' he thinks. 'Don't thank him yet!'

The doctor then announces monotonously, 'Our results conclusively confirm that you have Mesothelioma, a terminal cancer that is affecting your lungs. It has already spread to more than half its area. At this stage, you won't have more than 8 months left!'

Immediately, the miner pants hard, then in the pain to speak, shouts to his wife, 'Get me a bin!'

His wife, already burst up tears, grabs the paper bin from the corner & holds it in front of him. He flings his head just over the ledge & throws up right into it. His wife pats him on the back, throughout. 'I'm really sorry! There's nothing we can do. We have put together a treatment plan that you will be undergoing, which includes ingesting medication to ease the pain.' the doctor says, trying to allay the despair in the hopelessness of the situation. The resident diagnostics officer, blushed with anguish, hunches down to his colleague & whispers, 'This may not be such a good time to show the results, right?'

The doctor, obviously irritated by what she had just heard, gestures hurriedly with her hand that he leave, then consoles the couple.

A few minutes & a bin full of fresh vomit later, the wife, now whimpering uncontrollably, mutters, 'We just finished puh... paying our mortgage. Our kids are taken care of... we were looking forward to a holiday cruise! Wha... wha... what are we supposed to do now?', then cries heavily, all over again. This time being embraced by the middle-aged doctor. The wife sits down next to her husband when she gets a hold of herself again & clutches his hand, TIGHT! The miner responds, almost whispering, 'In all of my life, I never thought this would happen to me. It's always the other guy!' while looking out of the window.

It's a bright, sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect to have a picnic, stroll through the park - smell the roses!

At that moment, an eagle lands onto the ledge, outside. Both the doctor & the miner momentarily notice the bird, a bit taken aback. The eagle looks through the window into the room, as if lost & unable to find what it had come to see. Then, unanticipated, the miner & the eagle both lock eyes & observe each other for a moment! The eagle then flies away.

The miner is left with a subtle impression. A couple of seconds later, he turns back. He clears his voice calmly, fighting tears from his eyes as he looks at the doctor, then begins, 'Tell me doc... What can we do over the next period? Less than a year ain't a mighty long time!' He holds his face & finally breaks down to let the tears run their course. Joining his wife, who has been quietly sobbing all along. The doctor, now clearly affected by her patient's misfortune, despite her professional experience, takes a step to his bed.

'Find an attorney! Sue the pants off your employer! It's a long shot taking it up through the union & you don't enough time now anyway!' She stops abrupt, conscious of possibly being insensitive. 'I don't know how to say these things... just fight for your right through a good Mesothelioma lawyer. File a lawsuit that will make up for everything you've lost.'

She turns to the wife & squeezes her hand in sympathy, then looks on to the miner & says, 'You're in my prayers!', then leaves the room.

It's been four days since the diagnosis. The couple are out of hospital, the miner is with his wife at a prominent law firm, in the larger, neighboring town, 40 minutes drive away from home. They have been referred to the firm by the doctor, who personally inquired for a really good attorney from her 'friends at the top' of Memorial Hope Hospital. When she found one & contacted the lawyer, she pleaded that he handles their case pro bono, as a personal favor to her. In the phone call she said, 'They're really good people. Life can be so cruel sometimes. It's a crying shame what happened to them, a real tragedy!'

The couple just finished telling the lawyer their story. He's sitting at his desk, across them, in his corner office overlooking the metropolis skyline. He has been listening intently, without ever interrupting. All through the narration, he had been nodding, while twisting his Mont Blanc pen around his fingers. The miner's wife, who's meanwhile become cynically disposed to life itself, stares at the lawyer from her chair, almost menacingly. Her eyes are dreary but alert. It's evident she has been crying profusely over the past couple of days. The creases beneath her eyes are contoured deeper into her face & she now looks 10 years older. The miner himself is still pale, but now as composed as he usually is. There used to be a youthful vigor about him; that's all gone. Nowadays he appears frail; a shadow of his former self. Like a man his age, working in the service sector, or so.

The lawyer discreetly clears his throat. His face looks like he's in heavy brainstorming. Gently, he lays his pen in front of him. 'What has happened to you is a case of extreme worker negligence. You have been working in hazardous conditions, from which you were not personally protected in adequate measures, over your 30 year career. A rare disease which you could have been prevented from developing, now severely affects you & is in its final, terminal stages.' he says. 'This leaves you with leverage over your employer, to seek the maximum compensation for your losses, both health-wise & financial.'

Then he stops for a moment. The miner's wife, who in the past week has lost all of her natural optimism & become severely bitter from the cards life has played her, opens her eyes noticeably wider, despite her skepticism. The lawyer proceeds, 'There are four ways to go about this, one of which will be the most realistic method to get us to succeed in our legal proceedings. You have to understand that because your disease has developed so late, the other options may not have as great a chance to win your case as the actual one. Think of it like trying to accelerate a car from standstill, in the second gear or even third, if possible, when the highest & most effective amount of torque comes from the first gear.' The miner nods his head in understanding, knowing exactly what he means.

'Mesothelioma lawsuits are complex & every case is unique & cannot be generically given a one-size-fits-all solution. Cases can be broadly categorized in four areas, though. Product liability, professional malpractice, worker compensation & wrongful death. From what your doctor has already told me, in addition to your elaborate statements, I recommend we sue for worker compensation. It is the most befitting litigation in your circumstance so, to give you an example, it will be proven that the mining group would have exposed you to asbestos, illicitly during your job. The company will therefore be fully responsible for your tragic incident & will be made to pay a very high sum in compensation. If a strong case is made, which we will put forward, the management executives will have nowhere to run to, because even if they file for bankruptcy, federal injunctions could be pulled to effect the complete payment. It's bulletproof! And as a personal guarantee... I've been working in this field for 25 years. I understand it from the inside out. My reputation precedes me in the industry. I have strong ties with unions, agencies & health-care providers nationwide. I'm not saying this as an audition to you. I'm saying it because I want you to know who you're dealing with,... and what it means when I say that I'm going to personally make sure that you both get your entitled compensations to the maximum we can squeeze out of them. I'm going to do everything I can. Let's suck them dry... off the record!' The miner manages to reveal a relieved smile. His wife becomes elated, gets emotional again & rushes for some tissue out of her handbag, while she strenuously grips herself together again. With all the crying she has been doing ever since, you'd think she would have become good at it by now!

The miner reaches over & rubs her back. The lawyer had seen it all, but in all the years he had been working with asbestos victims, he's never been able to get over the raw nature of pure human emotion - the grief, the anguish he's experienced in every case. Every single one. Every one had a profound story to tell. None of the clients could truly understand WHY but they all shared one thing in common; they had all been afflicted by an ordeal so catastrophic, that simply none of them ever thought it would happen. But it did & that had become their reality.

The lawyer himself is doing fine. He owns a Carrera & a 5-bedroom, countryside villa in the high-brow parts of town. Business is good & he's been securing his retirement annually with well cared for investment portfolios. His wife, a former national beauty pageant finalist, owns & runs a thriving cosmetics retail chain, which spans across 3 countries. They have no kids. He's in his mid-sixties. He's developed a thick skin from weathering the failures & riding out the successes in the industry. Nonetheless, all his material wealth never totally insulated him from the powerful emotions of simple despair. Every time his clients 'had a moment', it psychologically scooped a chunk out of him as well. And no success can protect you from that! Like inhaling passive smoke: It sucks the life out of you in trickles, exponentially confirming your death sentence... by cancer.

Empathizing with the wife, the lawyer reaches into the bottom drawer of his mahogany desk, brings out a box of luxury tissues & hands it to the miner's wife. 'We thank you sir, we really appreciate your help!' the miner says as his wife grabs a handful of tissue out the box & tries to stop a seemingly unrelenting flow of tears. 'This is just a difficult time for us. We're faced with so much,...' the miner swallows, inhales & exhales once, then continues in his ailing voice; one that's had the joys of a long life evaporated from overnight, in large amounts. 'We don't know where to go from here, so we're just putting everything to God.' A shallow smile briefly surfaces on his face. 'He'll be our support!'

The lawyer adds, 'Given the extraordinary circumstance surrounding you, your doctor urged me to be lenient on your legal fees & I agree. I have therefore determined to represent you, as promised... pro bono!'

The miner flashes his eye-brows as his eyes light up. He clearly cannot believe what he had just heard. His wife, half way in control of her tears now, chips in with a slightly cynical undertone, 'He must be supporting us already!' as she chuckles, while her husband, keeping his eye-brows raised, smiles at her. The lawyer too, but in a defensive, guarded demeanor. 'God bless you, sir!' the miner says. His wife in a monologue speaks semi-melancholic, 'In the depths of your tribulations & miseries, an angel often appears...' Looking out the windows, she begins to hum melodically & drifts into an absence - her new found way of dissociation.

The lawyer presents the miner the contracts & goes over them, while regularly glancing at the miner's wife who seems to make no efforts to return to 'reality'. Her humming in the place she's at is just about good enough for her. She'll stay there a while, if only for a moment. It will summon the strength she needs in herself to continue living out this nightmare. A moment at a time. The miner signs in the spaces where the lawyer's index finger moves to. When he finishes, they both rise & shake hands while the miner's wife, dismayed snaps out of her spell. What could actually be worse: That place or reality?

She gets up while grabbing her husband's arm, braves a brief smile to the lawyer, without shaking hands with him. The couple make their way out of the modern office complex that houses several law firms, consultancies, an accounting firm & an S.E.O. marketing company. All that swarms around are people in suits & business skirts, walking in & out of the entrance in a frenzy... followed by a couple of casually dressed, obvious geeks. Arm in arm, the senior pair closely hold each other, while they slowly walk through the parking lot to their truck. They gently enter the vehicle; his wife pulls out the keys & ignites the truck. It's an old Durango. They reverse out the parking space & make their way home.

A week later, a worker compensation lawsuit is filed against the mining group by the couple's lawyer. Five days later, the hearings begin, as promised. The lawyer forwards a powerful case against the defendant. The miner at first was at the opening of the case, but subsequently stopped appearing due to his treatments supervised by his doctor at Memorial Hope. His children were now also present with their parents throughout the medical schedule. They were told the news when their parents felt they had everything 'under control', much to the anger of their daughter. A week into his treatments, the miner stopped responding to medicines administered & deteriorated rapidly health-wise. At this point, he swiftly became hospitalized again. His family, not missing a single event, cried in torment through it all. Two days later, he passed on. His family mourned privately for days & buried him at the end of that week. If God rests on that day, they decided, he will too! They say when you die, your life flashes before you. It seems to be no different when someone you love dies, too. All you keep on seeing are pictures of every little, precious time you shared with that special person throughout your life together. Like they fill your mind up & all you see are real images & living memories of that person, in one gigantic, virtual reality simulation in a vivid, high-definition, cinematic experience in 3D.

During the legal proceedings, a further lawsuit was charged against the mining group. It was the litigation of 'wrongful death'. The family appeared at every court date throughout their inexplicable grief. After a period of four months, the jury, by unanimous decision found the defendant guilty on all charges & ordered them to pay an astronomical sum to the plaintiff's family, as well as to incur the legal fees of the entire case, in full. When the lawyer embraced the widow, her daughter & son, he said 'This case may have set a record in payouts from Mesothelioma litigation but it will never fill the canyon of loss you feel in your hearts. I just hope the river that flows at the bottom of it, will be a piece of mind you will reach to, once your pain is dispersed!'

The widow faintly looks up to him & replies 'Pain? The real judgment was already passed when my baby died.'

As she grabs her handbag & moves in front of her kids, she carries on 'We have already become sentenced to pain. We have just became its warden now... because money never takes away the pain of the loss of a loved one, but it may ease it.' As she slowly walks out of the courtroom corridor, her daughter, now the tallest in the family, wraps her arms around both her mom & her little brother.

Outside the courthouse, a small group of local reporters have amassed & haste towards the family upon first sighting. A barrage of questions are asked simultaneously while camera lights are flashing & an electronics store worth of microphones, phones & audio recorders are shoved in the family's faces, which visibly upsets the daughter as she tries to keep her cool. A security guard from the courthouse springs to their rescue & backs the reporters off. A question a journalist yells, behind the 6"6ft sturdy frame of the security guard, sounds, 'Do you feel you have been given justice?' At that point, the daughter, who can't control herself anymore, from the gross insensitivity of the press to their situation, stops, turns to the reporters & shouts 'Justice? What do you care? You'll get your story anyway! And the crimes will continue to be committed by other organizations that will make ten-fold in turnover of what is paid in our 'record' compensation. Another person gets infected & the cycle continues.' She breaks down into tears now & screams angrily, 'WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY DAD? HE'S JUST ANOTHER ASBESTOS & MESOTHELIOMA STATISTIC!'

(Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features herein are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if I use one of these terms.)

The Importance of Having Indemnity Insurance

When the economy is shaky, everyone needs to use effective methods for protecting their assets and income. Indemnity insurance is the perfect solution for business owners, professionals and freelancers. Find out how it works and how it can protect you. Learn why such coverage comes extremely highly recommended.

How does indemnity insurance work? This type of coverage protects you as a business owner and any employees when you are found to be at fault for specific events. The most common type of such policy is malpractice insurance. It protects medical professionals when they are found to be at fault when treating patients. In general, any business and individual service provider needs indemnity coverage for a number of reasons.

Indemnity insurance protects you from losing profits and from losing assets as well. In most cases, the client will just want compensation in the form of not paying for a product or service which is faulty in some way. However, it is not uncommon for businesses and individual professional to get sued for additional compensation. In this case, the policy will cover any legal costs and a considerable chunk of the compensation that you will have to pay in case you lose in court.

Indemnity insurance protects your revenue at all times to help you sustain your business. It is not uncommon for companies to go into financial difficulties and to get in debt. If your company is about to go into bankruptcy, some clients may refuse to pay what they owe to you. Indemnity coverage is designed to cover such losses. It may help your company recover financially at least to an extent. At least, you will receive the money owed to your business.

Indemnity insurance can be useful to individual entrepreneurs and employees if the company is no longer able to pay health benefits and social security benefits. Many policies of this type cover you in case you lose your business or job. For instance, you may be able to get money for covering medical bills for a set period of time if your health insurance has been terminated.

Indemnity insurance is extremely affordably priced. It is true that you will have to buy an amount of coverage that corresponds to the revenue you get from selling your products or services. However, the prices of such policies are generally quite low. You can take advantage of such coverage even if you are just entering an industry and even if you have a very small business.

How Injury Lawyers Can Help You Make a Compensation Claim

When you have suffered a personal injury from an accident that was not your fault you may want to pursue a claim for personal injury compensation. Why? Because a compensation award can help you to have a better quality of life, provide for your family if you are no longer able to work, allow you to make life changes, pay your expenses and compensate you for any lost earnings or potential future lost earnings. An accident can have a dramatic impact on your life and although compensation cannot turn back the clock it can help you move forward.

But how do you go about pursuing a personal injury claim?

The key to a successful claim is good legal advice. Don't rush into signing contracts with "ambulance chasers" or people who hassle you when you're still in hospital recovering, look for a specialist personal injury lawyer who has expertise in your type of claim and who has a good reputation. Companies who use hard-sell tactics and who try and pressure you are not reputable companies and should be avoided.

Whatever your type of claim, there will be a personal injury lawyer who has the knowledge and expertise to build your case, and often they will be able to work on a no win no fee basis, also called a "conditional agreement". This type of agreement means that you will not have to pay your solicitor if they lose the case and if you are successful with your case your solicitor's fees will be paid by the other side, along with all court fees. Your solicitor will also be able to advise you on insurance to cover court costs.

We can put you in touch with expert personal injury solicitors, with no obligation, to get your claim started. Once you are in contact with one, they will be able to advise you on your case, on the likelihood of success and what your potential compensation award may be. To win the case, you and your solicitor will need to prove that you suffered an injury and that it was caused by someone else's negligence or fault. Your award will be determined by the severity of your injury or illness, and also by the expenses or financial hardship that you have suffered as a result of the injury. These things can be proved by medical records, accident reports, receipts and payslips, so any paperwork you have got should be handed over to your solicitor. They will tell you what they need.

The following is a list of accidents that you may be able to claim for, as long as you have suffered a significant injury and as long as someone else is to blame:-

  • Whiplash injuries
  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Work Accidents
  • Industrial diseases
  • Birth Injury
  • Medical negligence or malpractice
  • Injuries caused by out-of-date or defective products
  • Criminal injury
  • Discrimination in the workplace
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Sport injuries or spectator injuries
  • Dog attacks
  • Slips, trips or falls

This list is not exhaustive and any accident that was caused by someone else and that caused you mental/emotional or physical injury could be claimed for. It is imperative that you seek advice as soon as you possibly can so that no evidence is lost and so details are fresh in the minds of any witnesses whose statements you will be relying on. Many types of accidents also have a deadline and have to be claimed for within a certain amount of time.

Speaking to a specialist personal injury solicitor can help ease the stress of your accident because you will be able to let them get on with their job while you concentrate on getting better. A no win no fee agreement will also take the financial risk and worry out of claiming.

Reasons Why Women Want to Reduce Large Breasts Naturally

Women suffering from the pain and inconvenience of carrying heavy, big breasts want to end their sufferings. Breast reduction surgery is the common and immediate solution for this problem but not every woman with big breasts is open about surgery. Some big breasted women want to reduce large breasts naturally. To know the reasons why some women prefer natural breast reduction, please keep reading.

To avoid the high cost of surgery. Cosmetic surgeries like breast reduction could be very expensive and not everyone can afford it. Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic surgeries and patients have to shoulder all the expenses. The surgeon's fee for the procedure is around $4,000, the facilities fee, anesthesia and miscellaneous fees are not yet included. Breast reduction surgery can cost to as high as $8,000. Most women suffering from big breasts cannot afford the procedure that is why they are looking for less expensive way of reducing their bust size to get rid of the inconvenience. Big breasted women want to reduce large breasts naturally to avoid the high cost of the surgery.

To avoid the risks associated with surgery. It is a fact that any surgery involves risks and side effects that could be irreversible. Malpractice or human error may occur if you are not lucky enough to find the best and well-experienced surgeon. Some of the risks include negative reaction to anesthesia, infections, bleeding, scarring, breast asymmetry issues, losing nipple sensitivity and inability to breastfeed. Not to mention that we sometimes hear news about women who unfortunately died or suffer from numerous medical conditions after breast surgery. There are women who want to reduce large breasts naturally because they do not want to go through the difficult and risky process of surgery.

Surgery is not for everybody. There are women who are brave and willing to go under the knife and take the risks, but some women are too cautious and too afraid that even the sight of a needle could make them shiver. There are also medical conditions that could prevent someone from getting under the knife. It is a fact that surgery is not for everybody that is why there are big breasted women who want to reduce large breasts naturally.

Women who are suffering from the pain and inconvenience of carrying heavy breasts should know that surgery is not the only solution to their problem. Although surgery could give them instant results, it should be the last option. There are ways to reduce large breasts naturally. Stop the pain and the embarrassment of having excessively huge breasts, visit Reduce Large Breasts Naturally.

Claim Your Compensation With Specialized and Experienced Florida Injury Attorneys

With the growing rate of the injury cases and the instances of offense by a second party in most of these cases, the necessity for a legal step has increased more than ever. There are various typical causes for these injuries. In most cases accidents, defective drugs and defective products cause these. An accident occurs on an average every 5 seconds and most of these cases occur as the result of carelessness and negligence. Millions of people everyday die from adverse injuries or side effects associated with drug prescriptions or wrong medications.

There are many legal rights protecting people who are injured by negligence. The best way to claim your rights is with the help of an injury attorney. Florida injury attorneys or Florida injury lawyers are experienced professionals who practice legal services against any management errors that have caused injury to a person. They can successfully fight for your rights - be it a minor or major injury.

When you or your loved one is seriously injured by another person's negligent action, the situation demands a serious concern and legal disputes. If so, act quickly and file your case immediately with the most experienced professionals of Florida injury attorneys. This is because these cases have their time limits.

Some injuries, though are not caused by severe accidents, but have similar consequences, and are treated as any other accidents. These injuries or deaths can be the result of road or motor vehicle crash, slip trip fall, negligence, malpractice, defective products, sports accidents, work place accidents or any other accidents as a result of criminal behavior. You have the right to claim compensation against these injuries.

A Florida accident attorney is responsible to help people who have been injured in an accident due to the act of negligence, carelessness or recklessness of another person. Florida accident lawyers work in attaining compensation claims against your injury.

Therefore, if you or somebody you know has been injured as a result of the negligence or accident, seek the help of a Florida injury attorney and a Florida accident attorney. These attorneys or lawyers are experienced and specialized professionals with proper legal guideline and ethical norms, which make them bound to serve your best purposes.

There are various points you have to prepare to prove before taking the case to a civil court. As for example, in a case of an injury caused by negligence, the claimant must prove with the help of the professional Florida injury attorney or Florida injury lawyers that the accused person or the organization owed a duty of care and it failed to do so. The claimant should also prove that the accused person or the organization has acted in such a manner that no other professional would have done it in the same situation.

In the case of an accident, the claimant must prove that he or she has been injured or is suffering from a certain illness for which someone else is responsible. If someone dies due to an accident one may claim compensation known as the "Fatal Accidents" claims. Professional and experienced lawyers like Florida Accident Attorneys or Florida Accident Lawyers have the necessary trainings and experiences to succeed in offering you a quality service to cater to your needs.

What Is Visceral Manipulation?

The body should always be kept healthy and strong. However, because of the dangerous stuff that our present world offers, it is becoming difficult for people to take care of their health. Too much pollution and preservatives can cause the internal organs to suffer. This is the reason why experts have thought of visceral manipulation (VM).

What is visceral manipulation? To understand the word better, let us first define each term one by one. Viscera refer to the internal organs in the body. It is a collective term. Manipulation means influencing something to become better. Visceral manipulation then simply implies the manipulation of the internal organs in order for the body to achieve better health condition. It is important to note though that VM does not focus on the organs alone. It does not concentrate on the internal organs rather it looks into the body as whole. It aims to find out what has been affecting the organs in order to help the body adapt and become healthier.

Visceral manipulation is considered as one of the most beneficial alternative medicine. It is non-invasive yet the results are good. It can be used for several kinds of medical conditions. People who have bone and muscle pains such as sciatica, joint pain and headaches can use VM to relieve the discomfort. People who have vertigo, heartburn and endometriosis can also try this alternative medicine to treat their condition. Even those who experiences psychological problems such as emotional disorders, anxiety, trauma and clinical depression are said to benefit from this method.

The main goal of visceral manipulation is to massage and manipulate the tissues that are responsible for the different tasks of organs in the body. One way it works is by improving the blood circulation. Improved blood flow is very important to make sure that the body, as well as the different internal organs, stay healthy because of the stable provision of nutrients. It has also been said that if you massage your viscera, your body will become healthy not only physically but also mentally. The idea that of a sound body equals to a sound mind is greatly portrayed in this medical field.

Visceral manipulation has been practiced since the 1800s. However, not so many people accepted the practice therefore it was not used a lot. Fortunately, in 1985, an osteopath named Jean-Pierre Barral has though of bringing this practice to the United States so that more people can get the benefits.

It is very important that the people who will administer VM are skilled osteopaths and medical specialists. This is important to make sure that every procedure is done correctly. You should always remember that your health is the one at risk should there be malpractices. Therefore, you should only get the service from the experienced specialists.

Finding a Thyroid Specialist

Finding a thyroid specialist may prove to be a challenging endeavor. By taking the step to locate a medical professional that will be beneficial to your needs while addressing thyroid problems, you are taking a step that will ensure that you are able to live well and function as you always have.

There are many doctors that have the expertise to treat conditions that affect the hormone producing gland in your neck. It is important to know, however, that your care needs more than just expertise. You must find a doctor that you are compatible with as an individual. In this guide, you will learn how to find a thyroid specialist.


The first step to determining if a doctor is appropriate for your thyroid treatment requires you to investigate their medical practice. You will want to evaluate the atmosphere of the practice, the sanitation efforts of the establishment, and the services that have been rendered through the establishment.

It is important to ensure that you are dealing with a medical professional that has a reputation of providing high quality service to their patients. You will also want to investigate to determine if any malpractice claims have been issued against the doctor that you are considering.


If you are interested in finding a thyroid doctor, it is important to request references. You should ask about medical references from others in the medical community as well as patient references. If the doctor claims expertise in certain aspects of the many thyroid complications that may occur with an individual, it is important to request educational references as well.

You should never question whether or not it is appropriate to request information from the doctors that you are interested in. You should make it a standard to request details pertaining to the services that they have offered to others, professional references, and educational references.


When searching for a thyroid specialist, it is important to consider the personality of the doctor that you will be working with while addressing your physiological needs. It is important to consider the manners that the professional has, their communication skills, and how they explain things to you. It is important to find a doctor that has a personality that you are comfortable with.

You may be working with the doctor for an extensive amount of time, so it is important to ensure that the two of you are able to communicate well and get along well. If you are not comfortable with a doctor, you may find that you second guess the treatments that they assign to you or that you are not at all receptive to their suggestions. If you follow the tips contained here, it will be easy to find a thyroid doctor that will be able to assist you.

Living With Fibromyalgia

Sharing knowledge gained over 35 plus years living with fibromyalgia has been my dream for several years, and with help from friends and family it is possible. Since this author first encountered fibromyalgia in 1978 the changes in treatments/products involved with this disease are amazing. However horror stories must be shared.

Historically fibromyalgia patients had very few options while trying to live with this disease. For instance in the late 70's the medical community either labeled people as mental cases, or suffering with a form of rheumatism and told to live with it.

Personally since the first fibromyalgia symptoms were all related to severe anxiety/panic attacks, the medical establishment had no idea fibromyalgia symptoms often include mental symptoms. More than one doctor diagnosed symptoms as psychosomatic in nature, and to buck up/deal with it. Referrals to a psychiatrist were also the norm in treating fibromyalgia during this period no matter what your symptoms were.

Mistakes made by this author especially during the early years of living with fibromyalgia would include unconditional trust in the medical establishment/doctors. Money spent even with insurance would surprise most people, but when pain is unbearable the temptation to give one additional doctor a chance to really understand and help often overwhelms common sense.

All through the 1970's to the late 1990's finding and receiving high quality care from any doctor regarding fibromyalgia was nearly impossible. The majority of doctors didn't understand fibromyalgia, and would then refer patients on to the next so-called specialist who at best would prescribe another antidepressant. During this period of time antidepressants were the number one choice for treating fibromyalgia.

During this period reports began to surface regarding fibromyalgia patients attempting to end their life after their doctors prescribed one of many antidepressants used at this time. Some suicides were reported during this period. This type of hit and miss diagnostic criteria used by the medical establishment was the norm in the late 70's to early 90's.

Horror stories abound for those living with fibromyalgia for many of these years, and to some extent to this day. Some of the procedures, and potential malpractice involving fibromyalgia treatments include:

1) Breast reduction surgery for many women suffering with fibromyalgia to alleviate neck/back pain.

2) All teeth removed with doctors suggesting these procedures would alleviate symptoms including facial pain, temporal mandibular disorder, mercury poisoning, etc.

3) Many neck/back surgeries due to either absolute negligence, greed, or incompetent doctors who had no idea how to treat fibromyalgia.

4) Forced to enter psychiatric inpatient facilities and prescribed anti-psychotic medications for extended periods in some cases. Continued use of antidepressants, and horrible reactions.

5) Facial surgeries, female reproduction surgeries, and so many absolutely unnecessary surgeries for countless people around the world who were suffering from fibromyalgia.

Thankfully in the past ten to fifteen years the majority of these procedures have come to an end. However living with fibromyalgia seems to always produce new challenges for those forced to deal with the medical establishment. New problems include finding the appropriate doctor/facility or alternative treatment for fibromyalgia.

Today the myriad of choices for treating fibromyalgia is often overwhelming. Choices include many types of natural/alternative treatments to the many specialists who promise they have answers for treating fibromyalgia. Dealing with these issues is often too much for someone with severe fibromyalgia as they are too sick and cannot make these decisions alone.

Research and networking with others who are living with fibromyalgia is a great tool when searching for choices available today involving this disease. Still with the wide variety of fibromyalgia treatments available today one must put some faith in their final choice after due diligence when investigating provider. Often family members are a helpful resource when searching for treatment alternatives.

Living with fibromyalgia is and always has been hell on earth. Although today there are good options available for those who suffer with this disease. Sadly the many choices available still include outright snake oil salesman, and caution/research is paramount.

Fibromyalgia is finally receiving needed attention from government agencies, the medical establishment, and to some degree the public at large. For all these reasons living with fibromyalgia has witnessed a dramatic improvement from when this disease entered this authors life all those years ago. Only time will tell if current research/clinical trials will allow those who face this disease every morning to one day telling the world fibromyalgia is no longer an issue."Hope springs eternal for those who believe."

When You Can Make Personal Injury Compensation Claims

Personal injury can be of several types, but if it is caused because of someone else's negligence, then the sufferer can file for compensation claims. This type of claims is termed as personal injury compensation claims and there are several attorneys who are specialized in this field. Some of the common reasons for such injury are malpractice of medical treatment or accident. In the former situation, you may suffer because of ill effects of certain medication prescribed to you by a professional. Another situation is about the accidents that can take place at work, in the home, during a holiday or on the road because of negligence of someone else. In both the situations, you can make such claims to get compensation against the physical, mental and monetary loss that you have suffered.

Do you have any idea on how you can make personal injury compensation claims? Probably not! You are not the only one who is clueless about the process. There are many people like you who are not aware of the exact procedures. There are several provisions against such claims and it is important to identify which provision is suitable for your particular case. For this reason, it is essential to take help of a specialist solicitor. These attorneys are completely aware of various nuances that can help you to make claims successfully. These solicitors are experts and they can find a way out, no matter in which situation you are in and whatever the cause of the injury is.

If you have restricted time and can't afford to spend a long time to file the compensation claims by visiting different offices of the attorneys, then you can check online. There are several benefits of making such claims online. First of all, you will save a lot time as you can get access to the online form where you need to provide detailed information about the accident and other vital things. This is a quick process to file an application, which is then reviewed by the expert attorneys before offering help.

No win no fee claim is one of the most popular varieties of these accident claims. It means if the solicitor is not successful in helping you to win the compensation, then you are not required to make his payment. If the claim becomes successful, they will recover their fees from the insurance amount that you will receive as compensation. When you submit the application of the claim to the solicitor, he will review it in details and do the needful quickly. Make proper research and opt for a good personal injury solicitor. A good attorney will be able to analyse your situation and make the process simple and successful.

Alternative Care From Your Mainstream Physician? Wring Alternative Care Information Out Carefully

One of the depressing facts of the conventional medical system we're strapped into in the U.S. is that it is not designed to give doctors the freedom to treat their patients in the best, most effective way possible. Here is a case in point.

The doctor had known his patient for years, treating him for diabetes with the usual scripted protocols. He had watched his patient steadily deteriorate, knowing he could help him, yet feeling constrained by the conventional dogma under which he was compelled to labor. Now his patient had presented with diabetic neuropathy. He had no feeling below his ankles, but the disorder had not yet progressed to the point of ulcers and infection. His usual blend of mainstream medications were not helping and continuing on this course would inevitably lead to amputation. The doctor knew he could help his patient, but to do so, he would have to deviate from the conventional and cross the line into alternative medicine.

He proposed an alternative treatment. Disregarded, frowned on, and ridiculed in the U.S., it is mandatory in Germany, where it is malpractice not to provide it for patients with neuropathy. Writing down two substances, readily available and effective in treating the disorder, he handed the note to his patient, fully expecting to see him greatly improved within the next two weeks.

And then the storm broke loose. The patient went home and asked his daughter to get the over the counter supplements for him. Instead, she took the note and, filled with indignation, stormed over to the clinic administrator with a vehement complaint. And the doctor found himself defending himself in a professional review action.

The issue here was not the efficacy of the supplements. That had nothing to do with it. The objective of medicine, to make sick people well, was lost. The review committee didn't care whether the treatment worked or not. They were worried that the deviation from the mainstream "standards of care" as published had been breached and the clinic could be exposed to liability. They were right, of course. We're living in a sue happy society. The doctor was able to keep his job only by promising to never again offer an "unapproved" therapy. He was officially counseled to never discuss alternative treatments with his patients.

This is the problem every patient of a conventional doctor is faced with. Even if the doctor knows of an effective, and better, alternative treatment for a condition, giving out that information could result in reprimand, or worse. So it all comes down to trust. And under the circumstances, it's going to take a whole lot to gain that kind of trust from any doctor. A patient could not even praise the doctor. Telling a friend, or another doctor, about a successful alternative treatment received, could get back to haunt the well meaning provider. It only takes a single complaint to land the doctor into trouble.

The easiest way to get alternative treatment information from your mainstream provider is to do your homework first, then ask for an opinion. This way you can receive an honest, informed answer. Another way is to ask, if your provider had the problem, what treatment option would be chosen? That lets the mainstream physician off the hook, and many will then give an honest and sincere accounting of the various options available. If they know. There are, of course, many mainstream physicians who are totally close minded, and dogmatically opposed to any alternative therapies. If you have such a doctor, find another.

Many Fields Open For Nurse Practitioner Jobs

With doctors becoming more and more difficult to come by, nurse practitioner jobs are open in many fields that were once exclusively held by doctors. Other doctors, due to the demands put on them by malpractice insurance, are specializing in specific fields, leaving general practice physicians at a minimum. Nurse practitioners are coming to the rescue and filling this void in all areas of medicine.

Becoming a nurse practitioner is not an easy choice to make. One is expected to excel in the sciences before even being considered as an student in a college. Many start out as LPN's or Licensed Practical Nurses, and continue their training from that point to an advanced licensed nurse practitioner. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is attained in two to three years and this enables you to pursue an accredited master's degree.

Those choosing the profession of nurse practitioner can specialize in a number of fields. Geriatrics is one field that will continue to need specialized nursing as our senior citizen live longer and fuller lives. At the opposite end of the spectrum are nurse midwives. It is their responsibility to safely deliver a new life into the world, while caring for the health issues of the mother.

A licensed nurse working in a doctors office, does much to relieve the strain of doctors that overwhelmed by the number of patients they see in their office. These nurses are so highly trained they can see patients and diagnose and treat their ailments and diseases. Laws vary from state to state, but most states allow these nurses to prescribe medications. In some states even narcotic medications are prescribed. In addition, some states allow for private practice, without the supervision of a doctor, and can even admit patients to hospitals and perform rounds. These nurses come under different titles such as a licensed nurse practitioner or a physicians assistant or a nurse practitioner.

A nurse anesthetist may be of interest to some. These nurses will have obtained a Master's level of education specializing in anesthesia care of patients undergoing surgery. In these circumstances, work is performed under the supervision of a physician who specialty is anesthesia. Pediatrics is another specialty often worked by skilled nursing. These nurses to seem to have an innate compassion for children and helping them through the many illnesses that beset our youngsters.

Others will find themselves delving into the non-stop intensity of an emergency room setting. Cases can vary from a small cut needing a few stitches, to a life threatening situation and these nurse specialists have a background it whatever cases they are confronted with. Many of these patients are admitted and then they become the the responsibility of critical care nurses. Most in a hospital setting will work under the supervision of a physician but their knowledge of what to do in a crisis has saved many lives.

Those who have been injured due to accidents, or physical ailment such as strokes, will be attended to by nurse practitioners with training in physical and speech therapy. Due to their expert care most will go on to live a full and satisfying life. Their compassion and are is limitless for those recovering from any traumatic experience. Patients incapable of walking will once again be ambulatory. Others who were unable to pronounce certain sounds, will speak in full sentences.

One of the most rewarding occupations for the nurse practitioner would be that of a traveling nurse. This is a person who may work per diem at a hospital not knowing until they are called what their duties will entail. Outside the hospital setting a traveling nurse may be one who goes to remote areas to tend to those who would otherwise have no medical care. These people maybe confined to their home due to their illness, or just not have a way to get to a medical facility.

Whatever the career choice, nurse practitioner jobs are the epitome of patient care. Whether it be diagnostic or treatment, a patient will be counseled and educated on their health self care. Nurse practitioner jobs are taking over where he specialist.