Are You Ready For A Change?
Have you ever sat back and taken a hard look at yourself. I have recently started to really
take a good look at myself and where I am in life. I have a very successful personal life.
I am a rare find indeed. I have been married to the same man for over 15 yrs, he's my soulmate,
I look at my husband and my knees still go weak. I am still passionately in love with my husband.
It's sad when I look around and see our friends. They've devorced, remarried, or worse in
the marriage for the kids. Our professional lives haven't been to rosy. We had children young and
I was able to stay at home with the kids.
My husband started growing mushrooms when we first
got married. He worked for the same employer for 10 yrs. The market dropped on mushrooms and
he was laid off. That's when things first took a bad turn. He was offered a job by his best
friend. At first it was great, money, still friends, then 9/11. His friend started doing
some shady dealings to get by. One of these he chose was to stop payment on insurance premiums.
The bad part of the equation was we paid part of the
premiums, making this fraud. Our first alarm bell rang when my husband hurt himself at work
he filed a injury report,after which his boss called him into his office in regard to the
report. His boss said they had a problem, but wouldn't go any further. Then I went to get a
prescription filled, and was told no insurance. I went outside and called my husband, who
very calmly said don't panic, it's probably a mistake. He called the insurance co, and was
told it was canceled, he finally starts to panic. He called his friend, and boss, at home
he was out he spoke with his wife who also worked with them, after all we had a right, like
many of you we had to pay a percentage of the premium. The wife responded with "Oh well
we'll be like the millions of Americans without insurance. My calm husband finally lost it
he threatened to call a lawyer! I will never forget my sweet husbands face after he hung up.
He returned to work on Monday and was fired. After contacting several attorney's we were shocked
when told, in the great state of Pennsylvania you don't really need a reason to fire someone.
I was raised by traditional parents, who remained married and still hate each other.
My father is a hard core republican who I only remember crying at parades and when the american
anthem is played. "Union" is a bad word in his vocabulary. People who file lawsuits are ruining
this country. I couldn't believe the law wasn't on our side. One lawyer said the best we could
do was get your job back. Around the same time we were told by my husbands doctor, he would need
an operation for the accident at work. His ex-boss his one-time best friend, had already fought
us on unemployment. At the doctor, we filed out the workmans comp papers,the doctors office
processed them and we were notified no workman's comp insurance. Now we had no options left
and were forced to sue.We finally discover what the problem with the report was. He not only
took out money from our check each week and didn't pay the premium for medical, he had stopped
paying workman's comp too.
I thought finally they could do something. He had our medical reinstated, but couldn't with
workman's comp. We were made to feel as though, we'd done something wrong. Several years
prior to this a doctor made a mistake on reading my xray. It caused me 10 days in the hospital,
I had no income and as my father had taught me it would be wrong to sue. Doctors are leaving
Pa because they can't afford the malpractice insurance. I couldn't contribute to the problem.
My insuarnce company sued the hospital and won. I felt like I couldn't sue.
We had no choices left, we had to sue. I thought people get millions from stupid
lawsuits, we'll be ok. What I learned was shocking. It's a felony to not have workmans comp
insurance. You aren't allowed anymore than workmans comp would allow. I was floored, my
husband was wrongfully terminated to cover up not only non payment of medical premiums, but
workman's comp as well. We received 70k before the attorney took his share. His ex boss
was never charged with anything. In PA if you don't settle the workmans comp suit, the employer
doesn't pay anymore but the state fines are deducted first. That meant we would have been
lucky to see 30K, he could have gotten jail time as well, but if settled no charges. In
principle, I didn't want to settle, but we have 3 children, and no choice.
After this I lost faith in people. His ex-employer had lied, committed fraud, and walked. One
judge in particular caught him in a lie and asked him to come back in 5 min with the truth.
No Justice!!!!! I decided then working for others was a bad idea. It's time to take control.
I started looking into work at home options. I found many promising to pay big. Earn without
work. I don't believe such claims. I found several opportunities that do work. Nothing is easy
but if you have the drive and work ethic you really can better your circumstance. The most
important thing to remember pick one you can picture yourself doing, but most important one
you'd enjoy doing. Their are several socalled rebate processing. Really you are marketing
it's fun and exciting. They want you to sell the product first. You advertise on blogs
or classified sites. You have new challenges everyday. Just remember the old addage
you don't get something for nothing. Look into what they are actually doing, not the promise
in the ad.
Remember money isn't everything, if that's what is driving you. Take it from a woman who's
finding herself. My happiest time is spent with the ones I love and doing for them. We may have had
setbacks in professional areas. I have always felt successful, being with the ones I chose.
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