The New Effective Approach of Acupuncture For Infertility

The Chinese civilization introduced the beneficial practice of acupuncture centuries ago, and up to this day, many people are still using this approach to help them with their ailments. Acupuncture is one of the Chinese ways of helping sick people to ease their pains and sores, remedied by inserting a very fine needle on different parts of the body. The technique contributes to the blood flow of the body, which in turn, enables the system to produce and release more endorphins. A new, effective approach to help infertile women is to look at acupuncture for infertility and to determine how the benefits of this treatment can aid in conception, along with common medical practices.

Since the issue of infertility has been around, the combination of acupuncture plus medical procedures has helped women with their infertility problems. Looking at how acupuncture for infertility works, one of the greatest effects of acupuncture is that it could help balance the hormones in the body. In turn, this produces new eggs and helps regulate the menstrual cycle. It is also reported that acupuncture accurately adjusts the blood pressure of the person who is infertile which could lead to more blood flow to the vital organs and increase the hormone level. Acupuncture helps the ovaries and follicles to be enhanced so that the outer lining of the endometrium will be harden.

Acupuncture for infertility is becoming popular because most of the patients who have undergone in vitro insemination (IVI) claim that by combining this treatment with acupuncture made the whole process of conceiving more successful. Now, many medical specialists recommend that women who wish to undergo in vitro insemination should also consider acupuncture. Other benefits of acupuncture that could help women with infertility problems are that acupuncture could actually cure women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, women who happen to have constant miscarriages, women suffering from idiopathic infertility, and women with elevated Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH). Acupuncture even helps men with Sperm DNA Fragmentation.

Acupuncture helps the body to recuperate from certain sickness within time. If women are to undergo IVF process of insemination or the egg donor transfer, they must wait 3 to 4 months after they have undergone acupuncture. In pre and post-embryo transfer procedures, acupuncture is highly recommended.

The practice of acupuncture is very critical and can be strenuous. Women who undergo any fertility procedure usually experience anxiety, depression, and stress. That is why acupuncture offers the best alternative for them, but even then, acupuncture can be very risky if not properly administered. Malpractice of this ancient approach may lead to a miscarriage. For this reason, women need to consult their doctor first if they are considering acupuncture while they are in the process of any infertility treatments; in addition, women have to be sure that the acupuncturist is licensed.

Acupuncture for infertility blends an ancient practice for a modern problem. Women need to make smart choices when deciding on traditional treatments and medications, still knowing that a new, effective approach is available to them, as well: acupuncture. Whatever approach used, women need to make sure that it will fit their health and their bodies, as well as their age and needs.


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