Why Don't Doctors Recommend Fish Oil Supplements in the US ?

According to an article published in the New York Times (2006), in Europe it is fish oil after heart attacks but not in the U.S. In fact, in Italy it would be considered close to malpractice if the doctor fails to prescribe fish oil.

There is substantial supportive research for the benefits of fish oils for reducing risk of heart disease, its use as an anti-inflammatory, remedying depression etc. For example, the American Heart Association has taken a strong stance recommending dosage levels for patients with different levels of risk for heart disease. But none of this has changed cardiologists or physicians recommending fish oil to their patients.

Naturally, the question is why don't doctors and cardiologists recommend fish oils to patients with risk of heart disease. Similarly, why don't rheumatologists and orthopedic doctors recommend fish oil as an anti-inflammatory to patients suffering from arthritis pain. Although we know DHA may reduce premature aging of the retina and reduce risk of macular degeneration, why don't opthamologists recommend fish oil for their patients?

The answer is simple. Fish oil is not licensed to prevent, cure or treat any disease in the United States. This prevents anyone from promoting it for curing, preventing or treating any disease in doctors' offices, to patients or even on the Internet. Doctors tend to be more conservative when it comes to recommending natural supplements which are all not licensed for treating any disease. In the big scheme of things, this is all for good reason that protect us as consumers. In this particular case however we have an undesired effect that most people are either unaware of the benefits of fish oil or are skeptical.

Most of us do not necessarily follow the hundreds of medical journal articles which outline the results of many double blind clinical trials showing the benefits of fish oils for various conditions. However doctors do follow these and they are in a position to advise the use of fish oil for their patients. Most doctors if asked about fish oil would agree about their benefits and they can check to make sure that the supplements would not interfere with prescription medications.

Someday, I would like to see doctors hand out informational handouts with the benefits of taking fish oil supplements.  Until then, each of us need to become more educated about the role of fish oil in its supporting role for chronic inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, healthy nervous system, eye health etc. We also need to help friends and family get reliable information from reputable sites. We essentially need to increase our self awareness around the disease and discuss with our personal care physician, cardiologist or whatever the case may be. There are plenty of resources available on the internet. For example, American Heart Association site does do a good job about how to reduce the risk of heart disease - good diet, exercise, fish and omega-3 fatty acids, etc. Similarly, the Arthritis Foundation does elaborate on the use of fish oil as a natural anti-inflammatory. There is plenty of information out there, but we need to take the time to digest these and continue our own research before it is too late. Take charge of your own life and loved ones.

Personally, I spent lots of time reading scientific journal articles, article summaries at various reputable websites, and relentlessly gathered information. One of my close friend is a rheumatoid arthritis patient and I researched omega-3 as natural anti-inflammatory as per the Arthritis Foundation. I further researched in choosing an appropriate fish oil as well - in terms of purity, concentration etc. For example, she needs 4 - 6 gms of EPA+Dha (the two essential omega-3 fatty acids in fish) per day. Not many products out in the market can meet this level of concentration. For one of my family member's high cholesterol condition, I follow American Heart Association's recommendation of 1 - 4 gms of EPA+Dha. Being aware of the quality and concentration of fish oil required for your condition is very important. Please see my other articles on how to recognize high quality fish oils when you see it. As a disclaimer, fish oil is not a substitute for doctor's advice or proper medical treatment, but as a supplement, it is shown to reduce the need for prescription drugs over time for various health conditions as per many scientific studies.

In a nutshell, educate yourself and help educate your friends and family about the benefits of fish oils for a healthy life. There are many reliable sources in your local bookstore, library and on the internet.


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