Why is Dental Work So Expensive?

It seems that everywhere we turn, with anything medical, it is almost incomprehensible when we receive the "bad" news of costs.

Why is dental work so expensive? Let's start by saying that like anything else, your health and its costs are relative. When our car needs a new transmission, without thinking, we know that it must be replaced. When the car needs new tires, we moan about it, but we know that it is imperative to replace them.

The same goes for dental health. Periodontal disease needs to be treated in its early stages in order to better be able to manage it. With neglect, comes more expense and reparation with great intervals of necessary healing time in between each procedure. Think of it as rust on your car. The more you let it go, the worse it becomes and the more destruction that ensues.

Now, back to the original question: Why is dental work so expensive? The equipment we use is not inexpensive - panoramic digital X-ray machines, reclining dental chairs, dental instruments, special lights, computers and dental software, autoclaves and chemclaves for sterilization, gauze, trays and so much more plus the upkeep on the equipment.

Malpractice insurance is a killer. Not to mention, surgical assistants, dental hygienists, medicines, rent and overhead. So although it may seem that dental implants, smile make-overs, dentures or dental bridges are costly, it is all relative to what is necessary to be able to provide these services.

Think about it, when your car needs servicing, you spring into action. When your mouth or body needs that same servicing, it is always pause for thought.


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