Here's a Health Care Plan For You!

Everyone pretty much agrees that "SOMETHING" needs to be done to reform our current health care system.
The question is "what", and "how soon"?

Well, I'm sure most will agree that "the sooner, the better".

The problem is that too many are "rushing into" all kinds of "major surgery" whereas I believe a series of corrective operations need to be performed. There are too many policies, rules & restrictions in place which prohibit cost-effective operation of the current system. Here are just some of the steps needed which will give you a sense for the necessary way we need to make corrections in our Healthcare System.

First, we need to transfer ownership of all health insurance plans directly into the hands of the individual. That means eliminating control of employer-held policies for their employees. Employers simply PAY their employees for whatever costs they are now paying. This will force individuals (employees) to now "comparison-shop" for the BEST policies, thereby introducing the "competitiveness" element into the health care marketplace! Enrollment requirements for group policies would be modified or eliminated.

Second, we need to allow individuals the freedom to purchase ONLY the coverage that they need (want) and can afford. For instance, if one wanted coverage for a pregnancy, it would certainly cost less than one with all the other "bells & whistles". Likewise, there is no reason that a non-smoker, drinker or drug user would need to pay for coverage which would include alcohol and drug abuse, etc. (unless, of course he or she just wanted it).

Third, we need to eliminate many of our "built-in" cost producing restrictions. Examples are: Many reasonable healthcare services can be handled by qualified nurse-assistants (practitioners) instead of requiring the more expensive visit to a higher paid physician; adopt a "loser-pays" system for malpractice suits; re-vamp FDA restrictions and availability of drugs....including availability of more reasonable "over-the-counter" drugs; deny federal medical funds to any organizations (including states) who restrict competition in the medical field; modify laws requiring Emergency Rooms to treat ALL persons regardless of condition; i.e. prevent free-loaders from using emergency rooms for non-emergency injuries (colds, abrasions, etc.), and there are many more!!

Fourth, we need to allow tax-free Medical Savings Plans for all "Citizens"

Fifth, we need to eliminate coverage for illegal aliens.

Sixth, we need to adopt the FAIR TAX H.R. 25 & S 296


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