How Could a Doctor Answering Service Help You?

Quite simply, a doctor answering service can provide assistance where human capacity fails. A doctor answering service is neither completely robotic (like an answering machine) nor completely human (which would imply human hindrances).  It is a combination of the best of both words. On one hand, when you use an answering service you are definitely providing a human touch. Your patients and your acquaintances can all speak to a live operator or triage nurse directly. This is far more satisfying than talking to a machine. Even patients suffering from high anxiety will be far more comforted by a live person than by spilling their guts to a recording.

On the opposite end, you have to consider that answering services offer new technology that far surpasses the capacity of a single office. Let's say that you hire an experienced receptionist. She may be experienced and a hard worker, but chances are you will only be able to use her on weekdays, the same time you're in the office. Now what if you were able to hire such a qualified worker to work every moment of every day, including nights, weekends and holidays? Better yet, you could hire this comparable employee for a fraction of the cost of a year's salary? 
That is the advantage of outsourcing calls to a medical call center. An answering message service provides patient assistance 24-7, and everyday of the year if required. However, unlike a salaried employee, you have the right to expand or limit your telephone answering service based on your needs. That means that you can plan for slow months or an overflow of traffic without having to go through a lengthy period of hiring or laying off employees. 
Furthermore, a call answering service can be very valuable during disaster recovery planning or disaster recovery solutions. Let's say that an emergency scenario happens that cuts off your phone. This could be caused by a power outage, severe weather or problems with the phone company. What would your patients do in this crucial time? Since you are a medical professional you cannot afford to let patients fend for themselves-not in this age of multiple malpractice lawsuits! You have to be available for your patients in some way, even if you cannot speak to them one-on-one.


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