Inside Information, Come And Get It For Free!
How can you learn everything there is to know about nursing homes and about physical rehabilitation and care centers? How can you find out what horrors exist inside those closed doors if no one will invite you in? How will you begin your investigations? How do you find the culprits, hear the stories and connect with media, news, reporters, patients and families?
You can do it many ways and this article is just a brainstorming session on the topic.
All you have to do is Google the words nursing homes rehabilitation and care centers . Just Google those words. Go to Google alerts and get yourself an alert on those two words. You might want to set up a special email account that is JUST for this kind of search. You will receive hundreds and hundreds of alerts about all of the most horrible things that are happening right now, today, inside of all the nursing homes and rehabilitation and care centers all over the world. Limit your search to the USA or to overseas if you like and that will cut about twenty articles out and still leave you with hundreds.
Why am I asking you to Google those words and do a search but more importantly to do an alert on those topics? I want to open your eyes. Yes, you heard correctly. I want to open your eyes to the horrible circumstances that people live under when they live or temporarily stay inside of nursing homes. You need to open your eyes to protect yourself and your family. Remember, who knows, perhaps thirty or forty years or even ten years from now, you, yourself might wind up in a place like that for temporary or permanent healing. What then?
Google the words, and then share what you learn, with all your friends, relatives and co-workers but also remember to send copies to your representatives. Ask your representatives to bring hearings to Congress regarding the horrible abuses, deaths, malpractices and other events that happen inside of those nursing homes.
You will be so surprised, or not, about the events that come to your email box in the topics of nursing homes. And, perhaps you want to be the one person to help out? If so, write to us and we will answer your email. Write to us with your thoughts, comments and ideas and suggestions.
Unity! Unity! That is all I ask is unity. Join with us and we will be a strong union for patients, families, and for those affected by the horrors that exists inside of some of these medical and nursing home buildings.
Article created May 17, 2008
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