President Obama Needs to Take a Good Look at Healthcare Costs

The historic inauguration of the forty-fourth President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, was celebrated throughout the fifty states and the rest of the world.  Mr. Obama becomes the first president who is not a white male.  His minority status as an African-American has made him a hero to millions of minorities in the country.  But, will his hero status remain as he moves into the coming year and tackles the many problems facing this great country.

One problem Americans need help with is the ever increasing cost of healthcare.  Many United States citizens cannot afford to provide the necessary healthcare insurance that their families need.  This is costing everyone.  When the uninsured must receive medical treatment to stay alive the rest of the citizens pick up the cost.  Even the cost of purchasing a ruined set of nurse scrubs worn by a nursing assistant the uninsured might throw up on.  We need a strong leader to curb the cost of even the smallest part of a visit to the emergency.

It seems as though a visit to the emergency room is never a small cost.  Why?  Could it be that the nurses running around in their nursing scrubs are being overworked and underpaid?  Or, is it that the doctors cannot afford malpractice insurance unless they charge outrageous fees?  Or is it possible that some hospitals and clinics are not being run as efficiently as possible?  As President Obama reviews and researches our nation's healthcare problems needs to search for the answers to these questions.

Research is constantly being done to improve medicine, to attempt to answer the questions of the world's diseases.  Biologist and chemist, wearing the same nurses scrub jackets we see in hospitals and clinics, are conducting experiments to improve medicine.  These researchers need to not only look for cures to today's illnesses, but they must also look for cheaper medicines, less expensive ways to treat even common illnesses.


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