What is Conversational Hypnosis?
There is no such thing as hypnosis. This is a proven fact. For instance, if you see someone become so rigid that they can be balanced with their head on one chair and their feet on another, and someone else can sit on them, it is perfectly normal. Hypnosis doesn't exist. Conversational hypnosis doesn't exist either. At this point you might be shaking your head a bit.
Milton Erikson and other well-known hypnotists used no swinging watches or blinking lights when they "hypnotized" people. They merely chatted. When he was called before the medical board for malpractice (he was using hypnosis, which of course, does not exist), after dismissing the case, the doctors on the review panel said they felt a bit woozy during the meeting, but they attributed it to having just eaten a big lunch.
This article will look closer at conversational hypnosis.
Have you ever been in a thinking rut? You're poring over a problem, but no matter what you do, you can't think of any kind of solution. You keep thinking "What do I do?" over and over, but no answer is in sight.
What is happening is that you keep thinking "What do I do?" over and over so much that the answer doesn't have a prayer of getting through. But are you really sure that in the next minute or two that answer won't come to mind? And suddenly, there it is! Are you surprised? I'm not.
Let's go back a few steps and find out why this technique is effective.
Our first step is to create a connection. We recognize that you are stuck on this problem. We agree with you. It is possible that we agree that your problem has no solution whatsoever. We can emphasize this point if we need to. This creates a resistance in you.
Our next step is to state a fact. That fact is: You can't be positive... absolutely positive... that you won't find the answer to your problem in the next minute or two. Maybe you won't find the answer in the next minute, but can you be totally sure you won't?
This exercise breaks you out of your thinking rut. Even if you pause to wonder for even a split second that there may be a chance you'll find an answer, it means you stopped thinking about your problem, however briefly. You can't think of two things at the same time, and this frees up your brain to allow the answer to come through.
This is planting a suggestion. You're wondering now, which makes you open to receiving new information. Now we say, "I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling you may be a lot more certain you'll be able to find an answer to your problem now."
Let's look at another scenario.
A few months ago, I wasn't feeling up to par. I had a cold coming on, and I was not feeling well. I told myself, "You feel awful. Ugh." Since I had made this empathetic connection to my inner self, I then said, "But then, how do you know you won't feel a bit better in a few minutes... maybe even as fast as the next few seconds?"
This got me wondering, and I stopped thinking about how awful I felt. I told myself, "Hey, you're feeling a bit better now, aren't you?" I followed that with, "Wow, this method really works well!" And suddenly I was feeling better and could go on with my day.
Can you see how this worked? The effect was guaranteed, even though I knew exactly what was supposed to happen. It worked because it followed the rules our brains use to change thought patterns.
Here are the steps to succeed at conversational hypnosis:
While you should not be afraid to use these techniques, remember that you should not suggest to others that they should do things that will harm them in any way... including emotionally, financially, or their status. This technique can seem like magic. Look to the Karmic Law... you will reap what you sow.
Practice on yourself or where this may be of benefit to your own situation. See what happens.
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