The Beneficial Effects of Fish Oil Supplements
Scientists have intently studied the effects of fish oil on cholesterol control over the last decade. But many people are still unaware of this natural, healthy alternative to statin drugs. Why?
Doctors feel uncomfortable recommending natural alternatives. If they do not follow the current protocol for treating a condition, their patients could sue them for malpractice. But who sets those protocols?
The pharmaceutical companies convince the FDA and the AMA that they have come up with a safe and effective drug to treat a condition like diabetes. Once it is approved, the drug company representatives start visiting individual practitioners. Eventually, everyone in the mainstream medical community becomes convinced that the drug is "the answer" to that condition.
The bottom line is that many people are unaware of the effects of fish oil on cholesterol control because making that known to the public is not profitable for the pharmaceutical companies. They have convinced your doctor that statins are best. So, that's what your doctor will recommend. I'm not advising you to go against your doctor's recommendation, but I would suggest that you consult a doctor of naturopathic medicine (ND), if there is one practicing in your area.
These types of doctors have a degree from both college and medical school, but decided to study natural courses of treatment, rather than rely strictly on prescription drugs. They do sometimes recommend them, but they also recommend a complete approach to treating a condition, rather than just handing you a packet of pills.
So what kind of effect does fish oil have on cholesterol control? People who use fish oil supplements see lower total triglyceride levels, lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), and higher circulating levels of HDL (good cholesterol). High levels of LDL contribute to the formation of plaques on the arterial walls, eventually leading to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). HDL cholesterol cleans the LDL particles off of the walls. The best way to increase your HDL levels and lower your LDL levels is to increase your intake of omega 3 fats, found in the fish and their oils, and to decrease your intake of omega 6 fats, commonly found in beef, pork and other animal meats.
In addition to the positive impact fish oils have on cholesterol control, they have numerous other health benefits. I have experienced some of these benefits myself. The most highly recognized benefit, however, is the protection it provides the hearts function. The FDA allows supplement manufactures to use that claim.
The benefits that you can see and feel include:
- Better-looking skin. A recent study showed that a daily omega 3 supplement increased the skin's firmness by 10% after three months
- Pain-free joints. Several studies have shown that omega 3 supplements increase mobility and decrease pain in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis sufferers
- Improved ability to concentrate. Several studies have shown that omega 3 supplements improved concentration in kids with ADHD
Fish oil supplements provide a host of other health benefits and may, in fact, even help prevent cancer. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties fight the chronic inflammation that is believed to contribute to various types of cancer. Learn more about the effects of fish oil on cholesterol control and share what you have learned. Help make the world a healthier place.
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