Patient Appointment Recall and the Law
Patient recall and the law present regulatory issues that are important for professionals. If you are subject to litigation, or if you are called as a witness, you may need to produce documentation of appointments and appointment recall information that are relevant to care and treatment of a patient.
Appointment data can become critical evidence when it comes to documenting diligent follow-up care and patient compliance. Take for example the case of a patient with a suspicious breast mass who fails to follow-up for scheduled appointments despite multiple email reminders, and develops metastatic cancer. Another example is a patient with glaucoma who fails to respond to requests by email to setup an appointment for eye examination and loses vision because of inadequate medical therapy. These cases are typical examples of patients who expose themselves to medical risk for failing to comply with your advise. But at the same time, these cases also exposure your practice to increased legal liability.
Having an electronic trial showing adequate patient recall can serve as important documentation that you have made good faith attempts to properly care for your patient. Several online scheduling programs have sophisticated features for organizing patient recall that are free and easy to use. Having your own electronic trail of email notifications to patients allows you to archive appointment records and rapidly retrieve appointment information when it is needed. When properly configured, records pertinent to patient appointment are at your fingertips. These records may be used to support your case in the event of a lawsuit for abandonment or failure to notify.
Proper patient appointment recall and the law demand having adequate procedures for backing up your appointment recall records and avoiding unnecessary malpractice liability. A sophisticated online appointment scheduling system can provide efficient patient recall and essential medical-legal documentation.
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