Know the Benefits of Electronic Health Record System
Today, computers have become an integral part of our lives. They help in simplifying our lives and make the most difficult tasks easier and accurate in every way. When computers have gained control in our daily lives, medical industry definitely refuses to stay behind. Most professionals in the medical industry have decided to do away with the usual pen and paper method and have welcomed computers with open arms to maintain and keep patient medical records with the help of electronic health record.
When you go to your doctor with a health issue, the doctor will seek information from you and will try to build a case history starting from the origin of the problem to the ongoing causes and progress of the same. The information obtained from the patient, the tests results, laboratory test results, the medication suggested and other information is then keyed into the electronic health record system. This information is now in a digital format which is also called as individual's health record.
So the next time you visit the doctor, he/she doesn't have to flip pages anymore to know your history. All he/she needs to do is enter your name and the system will throw up all the information stored pertaining to you. Convenient isn't it?
This technology not only helps in centralizing and storing the patients' information in a digital format but also helps in saving lot of time, money and energy.
The electronic health record helps in better documentation of the information as doctors are known for their handwriting which may lead to whole lot of confusions.
This system helps in reducing your healthcare cost and helps in providing evidence based approach. As the information is readily available, the doctor can quickly refer to the information and start with the treatment without wasting lot of time.
Storing large pieces of information is a cake-walk as it is stored on minimal space. Hence you need not worry about storing many files and also think of ways to preserve them safely.
Retrieving information from electronic health record system is easy and hence lot of time is saved. The information is just a click away and you need not spend time flipping through different pages of files.
Lastly, with this method you can reduce the malpractice involved when it comes to insurance premiums. Information is accurate and any kind of forging can be easily avoided.
Even any kind of alterations made to a record, the date of alteration and the person who made it is recorded in the system.
In short the electronic health record is only a boon to your profession and investing in it is a wise thing to do.
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