More Women Are at Risk of Suicide
Mental depression has many causes that can reasonably be related to their circumstances, or to traumatic events, or loss of a job amongst other things. On the personal issues, it is broken relationships, broken marriages and bereavements that cause people emotional pain that can lead to them taking their own lives. Many cases can be traced to results of the 'economic downturn.'
Mental depression and the condition diagnosed as clinical depression are on the general increase to such an extent that antidepressant medication is reported as the greatest percentage of prescriptions written by general practitioners in Australia. Even more shocking is the fact that a percentage of these prescriptions are psychiatric drugs for children.
We have a serious situation here. It is possibly no better in any other of the western countries that prides itself on being a 'developed' society. However if we are to retrieve our reputation as intelligent communities we are in dire need of addressing this issue of medical drug abuse and professional malpractice that are implied. Many psychiatrists are expressing concern. But many general practitioners continue to prescribe according to the directions of the pharmaceutical suppliers.
Women are emotional and sensitive by nature and are frequently in need of help to cope with their stress and nervous tension and grow to rely upon antidepressants. Very seldom, according to trials, would it seem that these medications cure their depressed and unhappy states of mind or feeling. In fact, there is evidence enough that their condition intensifies to the point of their despair. When medication is sustained for a period it is easy to become addicted. When you wish to cease taking antidepressants there are likely to be unpleasant side effects. It is a no-win situation.
However, in the small print we should have read, and probably didn't, the need to be careful and that there are risks. But how many of us think to question a doctor's prescription?
We should realize that all drugs have side effects and psychiatric drugs (a term that calls a spade a spade) should be considered for what they do in affecting the chemistry of our brains. They are particularly dangerous.
It should be that we immediately seek more information and study the 4,730,000 Google posts for "Dangers of Antidepressant Drugs" to be better able to make decisions on the issue.
At the same time we should search for other avenues to cure ourselves - far more pleasant, natural ones.
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