Would You Like To Consider Massage Therapy As Career
A massage therapy career is perhaps just what you've been looking for, if alternative therapy interests you.
Life is a lot more demanding and stressful, and getting more so day by day. This leads to alarming situations like hypertension, migraine headaches, muscle tension, chemical dependency, depression and anxiety.
While conventional medicine can help with stress-induced conditions, alternative therapy is rapidly becoming the preferred way to relieve physical pain and emotional distress.
The origins of massage therapy can be traced to ancient China, Greece, Rome, India and the Egyptian era. Its basis of healing lies in touching the patient in therapeutic ways to relieve pain and promote general well-being.
These days an increasing number of people are turning to the holistic and natural healing arts. A massage therapy career will give you the opportunity to ease pain and suffering without pills, needles, surgery and machines.
How to get started on a career in massage therapy
A massage therapy career is exciting and lucrative. First, you have to undergo intense, full-time specialized training at a recognized school of massage therapy. You should have a high-school education to be eligible for admission to an accredited school. Massage therapists are medical professionals who require a license to practice. If you practice without a license you are committing a fraud and are liable for prosecution.
If you wish to pursue a career in massage therapy, you may like to avail of financial aid for tuition, which costs about $9 per credit hour. Also, your school must be fully accredited, for you to obtain state and national credentials in this art.
To receive your license to practice and pursue your career in massage therapy, you must pass the National Certification Exam. Some cities also have their own regulations and if you live in such a city, you must have both state and local licenses. All the information you need on schools and licensing is available on many different web sites. You will also need to insure yourself against malpractice.
You must seek re-certification every four years if you are nationally certified, by logging in the mandatory hours of continuing education programs, which include two hours of ethics training.
Your career in massage therapy can start today -get in touch with the licensing board in your state to find accredited schools - and you'll be on your way!
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